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Allows to deploy a chosen kubernetes managed service in one of the available providers

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This stack allows to deploy a chosen kubernetes managed service in one of the available providers, with it's own dedicated VPC and one or more pools


In order to run this task, couple elements are required within the infrastructure:


  • Having an Azure Storage Account to store Terraform remote states Here


  • Having an Google Cloud Storage bucket to store Terraform remote states Here.
  • Having the Compute Engine API and Kubernetes Engine API Services APIs enabled for your Google Cloud project (documentation).


  • Having an Object Storage Bucket to store Terraform remote states Here



Note The pipeline contains a manual approval between terraform plan and terraform apply. That means if you trigger a terraform plan, to apply it, you have to go on terraform apply job and click on the + button to trigger it.

Jobs description

  • terraform-plan: Terraform job that will simply make a plan of the stack.
  • terraform-apply: Terraform job similar to the plan one, but will actually create/update everything that needs to. Please see the plan diff for a better understanding.
  • terraform-destroy: ⚠️ Terraform job meant to destroy the whole stack - NO CONFIRMATION ASKED. If triggered, the full project WILL be destroyed. Use with caution.


There are 4 versions of the pipeline supported in this stack, one per supported provider:

  • azure-aks: azure-aks.yml +
  • gcp-gke: gcp-gke.yml + variables.gcp-gke.sample.yml
  • scaleway-kapsule: scaleway-kapsule.yml + variables.scaleway-kapsule.sample.yml



Name Description Type Default Required
aks_service_principal_client_id The Client ID for the Service Principal used by the AKS cluster. - ((custom_($ project $)-($ environment $)-sp.client_id)) True
aks_service_principal_client_secret The Client Secret for the Service Principal used by the AKS cluster. - ((custom_($ project $)-($ environment $)-sp.client_secret)) True
azure_client_id Azure client ID to use for Terraform. - ((azure_admin.client_id)) True
azure_client_secret Azure client secret to use for Terraform. - ((azure_admin.client_secret)) True
azure_env Azure environment to use for Terraform. Can be either public, usgovernment, german or china. - public True
azure_location Azure location to use for terraform. - West Europe True
azure_subscription_id Azure subscription ID to use for Terraform. - ((azure_admin.subscription_id)) True
azure_tenant_id Azure tenant ID to use for Terraform. - ((azure_admin.tenant_id)) True
config_git_branch Branch of the config Git repository. - master True
config_git_private_key SSH key pair to fetch the config Git repository. - ((ssh_config.ssh_key)) True
config_git_repository Git repository URL containing the config of the stack. - True
config_terraform_path Path of Terraform files in the config git repository - ($ project $)/terraform/($ environment $) True
customer Name of the Cycloid Organization, used as customer variable name. - ($ organization_canonical $) True
env Name of the project's environment. - ($ environment $) True
project Name of the project. - ($ project $) True
stack_git_branch Branch to use on the public stack Git repository - master True
terraform_resource_group_name Azure Resource Group of the Storage Account to use to store terraform remote state file. - ($ organization_canonical $)-terraform True
terraform_storage_account_key Azure Storage Account key to use to store terraform remote state file. - ((azure_storage_aks.account_key)) True
terraform_storage_account_name Azure Storage Account name to use to store terraform remote state file. - ((azure_storage_aks.account_name)) True
terraform_storage_container_name Azure Storage container name to store terraform remote state file. - ($ organization_canonical $) True
terraform_storage_container_path Azure Storage container path to store terraform remote state file. - ($ project $)/($ environment $) True
terraform_version terraform version used to execute your code. - '1.0.4' True


Name Description Type Default Required
config_git_branch Branch of the config Git repository. - master True
config_git_private_key SSH key pair to fetch the config Git repository. - ((ssh_config.ssh_key)) True
config_git_repository Git repository URL containing the config of the stack. - True
config_terraform_path Path of Terraform files in the config git repository - ($ project $)/terraform/($ environment $) True
customer Name of the Cycloid Organization, used as customer variable name. - ($ organization_canonical $) True
env Name of the project's environment. - ($ environment $) True
gcp_credentials_json Google Cloud Platform credentials JSON for Terraform. See value format here - ((gcp_credentials.json)) True
gcp_project Google Cloud Platform project to use for Terraform. - kubernetes-gke True
gcp_region Google Cloud Platform region to use for Terraform. - europe-west1 True
project Name of the project. - ($ project $) True
stack_git_branch Branch to use on the public stack Git repository - master True
terraform_storage_bucket_name Google Cloud Storage bucket name to store terraform remote state file. - ($ organization_canonical $)-terraform-remote-state True
terraform_version terraform version used to execute your code. - '1.0.4' True


Name Description Type Default Required
config_git_branch Branch of the config Git repository. - master True
config_git_private_key SSH key pair to fetch the config Git repository. - ((ssh_config.ssh_key)) True
config_git_repository Git repository URL containing the config of the stack. - True
config_terraform_path Path of Terraform files in the config git repository - ($ project $)/terraform/($ environment $) True
customer Name of the Cycloid Organization, used as customer variable name. - ($ organization_canonical $) True
env Name of the project's environment. - ($ environment $) True
project Name of the project. - ($ project $) True
scw_access_key Scaleway access key for Terraform. See here. - ((scaleway.access_key)) True
scw_default_region Scaleway region to use for Terraform. - fr-par True
scw_organization_id Scaleway secret key for Terraform. See here. - ((scaleway.organization_id)) True
scw_secret_key Scaleway organization ID for Terraform. See here. - ((scaleway.secret_key)) True
stack_git_branch Branch to use on the public stack Git repository - master True
terraform_storage_bucket_name AWS S3 bucket name to store terraform remote state file. - ($ organization_canonical $)-terraform-remote-state True
terraform_version terraform version used to execute your code. - '0.13.3' True




Name Description Type Default Required
address_space The virtual network address space. - False
cluster_allowed_ips Allow Inbound IP CIDRs to access the Kubernetes API. - [] False
cluster_version AKS Cluster version to use, defaults to the latest recommended but no auto-upgrade. - null False
enable_kube_dashboard Should be true to enable the Kubernetes Dashboard. - false False
enable_oms_agent Should be true to enable OMS agent for log analytics. - true False
enable_pod_security_policy Should be true to enable Pod Security Policies. Pod Security Policies needs to be enabled via the Azure CLI. @see - false False
enable_rbac Should be true to enable Role Based Access Control. - true False
extra_tags Dict of extra tags to add on aws resources. format { "foo" = "bar" }. - {} False
log_analytics_workspace_sku The Log Analytics workspace SKU to use if enable_oms_agent = true. - PerGB2018 False
log_retention_in_days The Log Analytics retention in days to use if enable_oms_agent = true. - 30 False
network_docker_bridge_cidr AKS cluster service CIDR to use, required if network_plugin = azure. - False
network_load_balancer_sku AKS cluster load balancer SKU, can be either basic or standard. - basic False
network_plugin AKS cluster network plugin to use, can be either azure or kubenet. - azure False
network_pod_cidr AKS cluster pod CIDR to use, required if network_plugin = kubenet. - False
network_policy_plugin AKS cluster network policy plugin to use, can be either azure or calico. azure only available with network_plugin = azure. - azure False
network_service_cidr AKS cluster service CIDR to use, required if network_plugin = azure. - False
node_admin_username AKS node admin username for SSH connection. - cycloid False
node_availability_zones To use specific Azure Availability Zones for the default nodes pool. @see - [] False
node_count AKS default nodes desired count. - 1 False
node_disk_size AKS default nodes root disk size. - 60 False
node_enable_auto_scaling Enable auto scaling of AKS default nodes. - true False
node_enable_public_ip Should be true if public IPs should be associated to AKS default nodes. - false False
node_max_count AKS default nodes auto scaling group maximum count. - 10 False
node_max_pods Maximum number of pods per AKS default node (can't be more than 250). - 250 False
node_min_count AKS default nodes auto scaling minimum count. - 1 False
node_network_subnet_id Network subnet ID that should be used by AKS default nodes. - `` True
node_pool_name AKS default nodes pool given name. - default False
node_pool_type AKS default nodes pool type, can be either AvailabilitySet or VirtualMachineScaleSets. - Linux False
node_size AKS default nodes virtualmachine size. - Standard_DS2_v2 False
node_ssh_key AKS node admin SSH key for SSH connection. - "" False
node_taints AKS nodes taints to setup. - [] False
rbac_client_app_id The Client ID of an Azure Active Directory Application for Role Based Access Control. - "" False
rbac_client_app_secret The Server Secret of an Azure Active Directory Application for Role Based Access Control. - "" False
rbac_server_app_id The Server ID of an Azure Active Directory Application for Role Based Access Control. - "" False
rbac_use_active_directory Should be true to enable Role Based Access Control with an Azure Active Directory. - false False
ssh_allowed_ips Allow Inbound IP CIDRs to access the instances via SSH. - ["*"] False
subnets The private subnets for the VPC. list {"nodes" = "", "pods" = "", "loadbalancers" = "",} False


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_regional If the GKE Cluster must be regional or zonal. Be careful, this setting is destructive. - false False
cluster_release_channel GKE Cluster release channel to use. Accepted values are UNSPECIFIED, RAPID, REGULAR and STABLE. - UNSPECIFIED False
cluster_version GKE Cluster version to use. - latest False
default_max_pods_per_node The maximum number of pods to schedule per node. - 110 False
enable_binary_authorization Enable GKE Cluster BinAuthZ Admission controller. - false False
enable_cloudrun Enable GKE Cluster Cloud Run for Anthos addon. - false False
enable_horizontal_pod_autoscaling Enable GKE Cluster horizontal pod autoscaling addon. - true False
enable_http_load_balancing Enable GKE Cluster HTTP load balancing addon. - false False
enable_istio Enable GKE Cluster Istio addon. - false False
enable_network_policy Enable GKE Cluster network policies addon. - true False
enable_only_private_endpoint If true, only enable the private endpoint which disable the Public endpoint entirely. If false, private endpoint will be enabled, and the public endpoint will be only accessible by master authorized networks. - false False
enable_sandbox Enable GKE Sandbox (Do not forget to set image_type = COS_CONTAINERD and node_version = 1.12.7-gke.17 or later to use it). - false False
enable_shielded_nodes Enable GKE Cluster Shielded Nodes features on all nodes. - true False
enable_vertical_pod_autoscaling Enable GKE Cluster vertical pod autoscaling addon. Vertical Pod Autoscaling automatically adjusts the resources of pods controlled by it. - false False
extra_labels Dict of extra labels to add on GCP resources. format { "foo" = "bar" }. - {} False
gcp_project The Google Cloud Platform project to use. - `` True
gcp_region The Google Cloud Platform region to use. - eu-central1 False
gcp_zones To use specific Google Cloud Platform zones if not regional, otherwise it will be chosen randomly. - [] False
master_authorized_networks List of master authorized networks. - [] False
network_routing_mode The network routing mode. - GLOBAL False
node_pools GKE Cluster node pools to create. - [] False
pods_cidr The CIDR of the pods secondary range. - False
services_cidr The CIDR of the services secondary range. - False
subnet_cidr The CIDR of the VPC subnet. - False


Name Description Type Default Required
admission_plugins The list of admission plugins to enable on the cluster. - [] False
auto_upgrade Set to true to enable Kubernetes patch version auto upgrades. Important: When enabling auto upgrades, the cluster_version variable take a minor version like x.y (ie 1.18). - true False
cluster_version Kapsule cluster version. - 1.19 False
cni The Container Network Interface (CNI) for the Kubernetes cluster (either cilium, calico, weave or flannel). - cilium False
container_runtime The container runtime of the pool. Important: Updates to this field will recreate a new resource. - docker False
enable_autohealing Enables the autohealing feature for this pool. - true False
enable_autoscaling Enables the autoscaling feature for this pool. Important: When enabled, an update of the size will not be taken into account. - false False
enable_dashboard Enables the Kubernetes dashboard for the Kubernetes cluster. - true False
extra_tags Dict of extra tags to add on aws resources. format { "foo" = "bar" }. - {} False
feature_gates The list of feature gates to enable on the cluster. - [] False
ingress The ingress controller to be deployed on the Kubernetes cluster (either nginx, traefik or traefik2). - nginx False
node_autoscaling_max_size The maximum size of the pool, used by the autoscaling feature. - 10 False
node_autoscaling_min_size The minimum size of the pool, used by the autoscaling feature. - 1 False
node_count Desired number of node servers. - 1 False
node_pool_name Node group given name. - standard False
node_type Type of instance to use for node servers. - GP1-XS False
placement_group_id The placement group the nodes of the pool will be attached to. Important: Updates to this field will recreate a new resource. - "" False
wait_for_pool_ready Whether to wait for the pool to be ready. - true False



Name Description
vnet_id AKS Cluster dedicated vNet ID.
vnet_name AKS Cluster dedicated vNet name.
vnet_location AKS Cluster dedicated vNet location.
vnet_subnet_ids AKS Cluster dedicated vNet subnet IDs.
vnet_address_space AKS Cluster dedicated vNet address space.
nodes_sg_allow AKS Cluster dedicated vNet security group to allow SSH and metrics access to instances.
cluster_id AKS Cluster ID.
cluster_public_fqdn AKS Cluster public FQDN.
cluster_private_fqdn AKS Cluster private FQDN.
control_plane_host AKS Cluster kubeconfig host.
control_plane_ca AKS Cluster certificate authority.
kubeconfig Kubernetes config to connect to the AKS Cluster.


Name Description
cluster_ca GKE Cluster certificate authority.
cluster_endpoint GKE Cluster endpoint.
cluster_location GKE Cluster location (region if regional cluster, zone if zonal cluster).
cluster_master_authorized_networks_config GKE Cluster networks from which access to master is permitted.
cluster_master_version GKE Cluster master version.
cluster_name GKE Cluster name.
cluster_region GKE Cluster region."
cluster_release_channel GKE Cluster release channel.
cluster_type GKE Cluster type.
cluster_zones GKE Cluster zones.
kubeconfig Kubernetes config to connect to the GKE cluster.
network_name GKE Cluster dedicated network name.
network_self_link GKE Cluster dedicated network URI.
node_pools_names GKE Cluster node pools names.
node_pools_service_account GKE Cluster nodes default service account if not overriden in node_pools.
node_pools_versions GKE Cluster node pools versions.
pods_ip_range GKE Cluster dedicated pods IP range.
services_ip_range GKE Cluster dedicated services IP range.
subnet_name GKE Cluster dedicated subnet name.
subnet_region GKE Cluster dedicated subnet region.
subnet_self_link GKE Cluster dedicated subnet URI.


Name Description
cluster_id Kapsule Cluster ID.
cluster_name Kapsule Cluster name.
cluster_status Kapsule Cluster status of the Kubernetes cluster.
cluster_upgrade_available Set to true if a newer Kubernetes version is available.
cluster_version Kapsule Cluster version.
cluster_wildcard_dns The DNS wildcard that points to all ready nodes.
control_plane_ca Kapsule Cluster CA certificate of the Kubernetes API server.
control_plane_endpoint Kapsule Cluster URL of the Kubernetes API server.
control_plane_host Kapsule Cluster URL of the Kubernetes API server.
control_plane_token Kapsule Cluster token to connect to the Kubernetes API server.
kubeconfig Kubernetes config to connect to the Kapsule cluster.
node_pool_current_size Kapsule node pool current size.
node_pool_id Kapsule node pool ID.
node_pool_nodes Kapsule node pool nodes informations.
node_pool_public_ips Kapsule node pool public IPs.
node_pool_public_ipv6s Kapsule node pool public IPv6s.
node_pool_status Kapsule node pool status.
node_pool_version Kapsule node pool version.
scw_region Scaleway region where the resources were created.
scw_zone Scaleway zone where the resources were created.


Allows to deploy a chosen kubernetes managed service in one of the available providers







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