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EOSC Search Service

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Running the Backend with a docker

Run docker-compose up --build.


IMPORTANT!!! UI working directory is ui, commands will work only in the catalog.

Compile time environmental variables

UI uses ng-node-environment to generate variables. Please consult the documentation of the package for details, but TLDR is following: every environmental variable prefixed by NG_ is put into object sharedEnvironment in /ui/apps/ui/src/environments/environment.generated.ts. As for the names NG_ prefix is removed and rest of the name is converted from UNDERSCORE_CASE into UnderscoreCase. Example: when only variable provided is NG_COLLECTIONS_PREFIX='beta_' then created environment.generated.ts will look as follows:

export const sharedEnvironment = {
  'collectionsPrefix': 'beta_'

export default sharedEnvironment;

sharedEnvironment environment is included in commonEnvironment from environment.common.ts. environment.generated.ts is generated in prestart and prebuild scripts which are automatically called when running npm start and npm run build

Install dependencies

npm i --force


IMPORTANT!!! To change collections prefix copy <root>/.env file to <root>/backend with COLLECTIONS_PREFIX env variable.

npm start


Build artifacts can be found in ui/dist/apps/ui. IMPORTANT!!! To change collections prefix copy <root>/.env file to <root>/backend with COLLECTIONS_PREFIX env variable.

npm build

Code automatic formatting

npx nx lint --fix

npx nx format:write


To run a standalone Solr instance run: docker-compose up -d solr1 zoo1. It registers all configsets from /solr/config/configsets/.

To access the web interface go to http://localhost:8983/solr.

To upload an additional configset:

docker run --rm -v "$PWD/solr/config/configsets:/configsets" --network=host solr:8.11 \
       solr zk upconfig -n "<name>" -d "/configsets/<name>" -z localhost:2181

To create a new collection, run

solr/ --name ess --config-name base-1

Obtain an example data sample using for example selects from

Below assumes that Solr instance is available under localhost:8983, i.e. the port 8983 is forwarded to host network.

Solr schema

  1. New schema have to be created for example using "Schema Designer" on the web GUI.
  2. The schema should be placed in solr/config/configsets
  3. Now schema is available for everyone. Use: docker compose build

Solr collection seeding

Add data to already existing collection

curl --location --request POST '<address>:<port>/solr/<collection_name>/update/json/docs' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -T '<data_file>'

Running Recommender System locally

Check-out the code from (commit ea3545a6fc3 at the time of writing) to a separate directory, and build the image:

docker build -t "omae:0.0.1" .

Then, run the image:

docker run -p 9080:80 omae:0.0.1


There are to be two machines:

  • (I) for db, api and RS mock
  • (II) for solr. See docker-compose.yml for components.

API env variables:


  • ENVIRONMENT: Literal["dev", "test", "production"] = "production" - Choose environment in which you want to work in.
  • LOG_LEVEL: str = "info" - Logging level.


  • BACKEND_BASE_URL: Url = "http://localhost:8000/" - your backend URL.
  • UI_BASE_URL: Url = "http://localhost:4200/" - your UI URL.
  • DATABASE_URI: PostgresDsn = "postgresql+psycopg2://ess:ess@localhost:5442/ess" - your database URI.
  • MAX_RESULTS_BY_PAGE: int = 50 - how many results to fetch with a single call to SOLR backend.
  • SHOW_BETA_COLLECTIONS: bool = False - show collections that are in beta version?


  • SOLR_URL: Url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/" - your Solr URL.
  • COLLECTIONS_PREFIX: str = "" - Specify custom prefix for solr collections. Then your specific collection with that prefix will be used.
Recommender System
  • RS_URL: Url = "http://localhost:9080/" - your Recommender System URL.
  • RECOMMENDER_ENDPOINT: Url = "http://localhost:8081/recommendations" - your endpoint that returns recommendations.
  • SHOW_RECOMMENDATIONS: bool = True - Show recommendations?
  • SHOW_RANDOM_RECOMMENDATIONS: bool = True - Show random recommendations on failure?
  • IS_SORT_BY_RELEVANCE: bool = True - Enable sort by relevance?
  • MAX_ITEMS_SORT_RELEVANCE: int = 250 - Max items send to sort by relevance endpoint.
  • STOMP_HOST: str = "" - STOMP host.
  • STOMP_PORT: int = 61613- STOMP port.
  • STOMP_LOGIN: str = "guest" - STOMP login.
  • STOMP_PASS: str = "guest"- STOMP password.
  • STOMP_USER_ACTIONS_TOPIC: str = "/topic/user_actions" - topic to which user actions will be sent.
  • STOMP_CLIENT_NAME: str = "dev-client" - STOMP client name
  • STOMP_SSL: bool = False - enable SSL?
  • OIDC_HOST: Url = "" - OIDC host.
  • OIDC_CLIENT_ID: str = "NO_CLIENT_ID" - The service ID stored in AAI for auth purposes.
  • OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: str = "NO_CLIENT_SECRET" - Private key of the service needed in AAI auth process.
  • OIDC_AAI_NEW_API: bool = False - A param switching between new kind of endpoints and old one (AAI changed endpoints between instances)
  • SENTRY_DSN: endpoint for Sentry logged errors. For development leave this variable unset.
  • RELATED_SERVICES_ENDPOINT: Url = "" - base URL to get related services for interoperability guidelines.
  • MARKETPLACE_BASE_URL: Url = "" - marketplace base url (used to generate links back to MP).

  • EOSC_COMMONS_URL: Url = "" - Base URL to eosc commons.

  • EOSC_COMMONS_ENV: str = "production" - Environment used to load eosc commons. Together with EOSC_COMMONS_URL two assets are loaded:


  • EOSC_EXPLORE_URL: Url = "" - base URL to OpenAire Explore - used when constructing links for publications, datasets ETC.

  • KNOWLEDGE_HUB_URL: Url = "" - base URL to Knowledge Hub.

db envs:


The RS mock (online-ml-ai-engine, omae) should be deployed as described in "Running RS locally", with api's RS_URL pointed at it.

solr1 envs:

  • ZK_HOST, comma separated Zookeeper hosts, e.g. zoo1:2181 or zoo1:2181,zoo2:2181,zoo3:2181

zoo1 doesn't have any envs.

DB migration

DB has to be migrated after code changes, to do it run alembic in the /backend/Dockerfile image, setting the DATABASE_URI env.

docker run --rm \
           --network "<ess-local_network>" \
           -e "DATABASE_URI=<as_for_api_above>" \
           -it $(docker build -q ./backend) \
           pipenv run alembic upgrade head

DB seed

Add the new dump content by running:

docker run --rm \
           --network "<ess-local_network>" \
           -e "DATABASE_URI=<as_for_api_above>" \
           -it $(docker build -q ./backend) \
           pipenv run python -m app.manager db seed-oag-2

Solr seed

Run solr1 with the explicit volumes as in docker-compose.yml, so that it creates missing configsets in Zookeeper on startup.

Then, you will need to create collections manually, see the section on Solr. The cluster should have collection: oag_researchoutcomes_prod_20211208_v2 (schema: oa_prod_20211208_v2).

Populate it using v2 publication data (see v2 comment to The records are in publication/000550_0. They need to be transformed and pushed to the collection (see also the Solr section above for how to do it for v2).


Releases are automatically created based on release-please-action.


  1. Run Trigger release
  2. Wait for automatic-release action in Actions , when action is finished, a new Pull Request should occur in Pull requests
  3. Go to Pull Request with name format: chore(master): release x.y.z, at this level you can customize release data:
    • release version is build based on x.y.z version in commit format chore(master): release x.y.z,
    • on x.y.z version change in commit, update also properly section and version.txt
    • list of changes that will occur in release is written in
    • the changes should land in one commit (squashed or amended) in format chore(master): release x.y.z
  4. Choose merge option Rebase and merge