Advanced APK analysis tool with intelligent caching and pattern matching for security analysis
- 🚀 Smart caching system for faster repeated analysis
- 🎯 Intelligent pattern matching with context
- 🔍 Deep APK analysis for:
- URIs and endpoints
- API keys and secrets
- Firebase configurations
- Access tokens
- Email addresses
- And more...
- 📊 Detailed JSON reports with context
- 🎨 Beautiful terminal output with progress tracking
- ⚡ Concurrent file processing
- 🔄 Automatic JADX installation
- 💾 Efficient disk usage with SHA256-based caching
- Go 1.21+
- Java 8+ (for JADX)
- JADX (automatically downloaded if not found)
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd apkX
# Build the binary
go build -o apkx cmd/apkx/main.go
# Basic usage
./apkx [flags] <apk-file(s)>
# Analyze multiple APKs
./apkx app1.apk app2.apk app3.apk
# Specify output directory
./apkx -o custom-output-dir app.apk
# Use custom patterns file
./apkx -p custom-patterns.yaml app.apk
# Control worker count
./apkx -w 5 app.apk
: Output directory (default: "apkx-output")-p
: Path to patterns file (default: "config/regexes.yaml")-w
: Number of concurrent workers (default: 3)
APK decompilations are cached in ~/.apkx/cache/
for faster repeated analysis:
# Clear entire cache
rm -rf ~/.apkx/cache/
# View cache contents
ls -la ~/.apkx/cache/
Results are saved in JSON format with:
- File paths relative to APK root
- Match context (surrounding code)
- Pattern categories
- Match confidence levels
Example output:
"api_keys": [
"path/to/ API_KEY_123 (Context: ...surrounding code...)"
"urls": [
"path/to/config.xml: (Context: ...surrounding code...)"
We welcome contributions! Please:
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Make your changes
- Submit a pull request
MIT License - see LICENSE for details
🔧 Maintained by Cyinnove | 📧