A simple Web API for uploading, encrypting, storing, and downloading files with blockchain-based verification.
- File Upload: Upload files, encrypt them, and store securely on the server.
- File Download: Decrypt and download files using their unique hash.
- Blockchain Integration: Add each uploaded file's hash to a blockchain for integrity verification.
- ASP.NET Core: Web API framework for building the application.
- Blockchain: A simple blockchain implementation for file integrity tracking.
- File Encryption: AES encryption for securely storing files.
- Dependency Injection: Used to manage dependencies for encryption and blockchain helpers.
- .NET 8.0 SDK
- Any modern IDE or text editor (e.g., Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code)
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Uploads a file, encrypts it, and stores it on the server. A hash is generated and added to the blockchain.
- Request Parameters:
(form-data): The file to upload.
- Response:
200 OK
: File uploaded successfully, along with the file hash and extension.404 Not Found
: File not provided.
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Downloads the file by its hash, decrypts it, and returns it to the client.
- Request Parameters:
(query string): The hash of the file to download.
- Response:
200 OK
: File downloaded successfully.400 Bad Request
: Invalid or missing hash value.404 Not Found
: File not found.
The project includes a basic blockchain implementation to verify the integrity of uploaded files. Each block contains:
- Index: The position of the block in the chain.
- Timestamp: The time of the block's creation.
- Hash: The SHA-256 hash of the encrypted file.
- Extension: The file extension of the uploaded file.
New blocks are created and added to the chain each time a file is uploaded.
This project uses AES encryption for securing files before they are stored on the server. Files are decrypted only when they are requested for download, ensuring secure storage.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the license file for details.
Please use the Issue > New Issue button to submit issues, feature requests or support issues directly to me. You can also send an e-mail to akin.bicer@outlook.com.tr.