Example Notebooks for NEON Science Summit Planet Labs breakout session
Clone this repository - there are example .ipynb notebooks for you to work with.
git clone https://github.com/cyverse-gis/neon-science-summit-2019
Clone the Shiny App repository
git clone https://github.com/cyverse-gis/neon-shiny-browser
Change your RStudio working directory to the location of the app:
Load Shiny and run the app (note - the app has numerous spatial dependencies which must also be installed if running on a local machine, this can take some time).
Select the NEON-Shiny-Browser App in CyVerse.
Browse and download data to the Data Store.
View downloaded data in your home folder /analyses
Download from DockerHub:
docker pull cyversevice/shiny-geospatial:neon-shiny-browser
Or just run the app:
docker run -it --rm -p 3838:3838 -e REDIRECT_URL=http://localhost:3838 -v ~/NEON_Downloads:/NEON_Downloads cyversevice/shiny-geospatial:neon-shiny-browser
Samapriya Roy. (2019, October 14). samapriya/neon-science-summit-2019: neon-science-summit-2019 (Version 0.1). Zenodo.
You will need to install numerous dependencies for running the Lab
docker run -it --rm -v /$HOME:/app --workdir /app -p 8888:8888 -e REDIRECT_URL=http://localhost:8888 cyversevice/jupyterlab-scipy:planet-latest
Note you may need to mount the location of your NEON Data when you start the container
-v ~/NEON_Downloads:/NEON_Downloads
CyVerse hosts a data science workbench called the Discovery Environment. You can launch visual and interactive compute environments (VICE) containers from the DE.
(1) Register for CyVerse https://user.cyverse.org/
(2) Log into the Discovery Environment: https://de.cyverse.org
(3) Open the Apps tab and search for "Jupyter Lab Planet" and find the corresponding public app, or use this Quick Launch