In this notebook, I seek to solve the model developed by Garleanu and Panageas (2015) and replicate their main results (plots). I greatly benefited from a similar exercise done by Matthieu Gomez.
To get started, the following modules should be in place:
using ParDiffEqnSuite
using StaticArrays
using DifferentialEquations
using BenchmarkTools
using Plots
using Printf
using Distances
where ParDiffEqnSuite.jl
is a user-defined module that can be found in ./src/
The first parametric composite type is used to store model parameters.
struct ModelParam{T}
# utility function
# proportion a
# consumption
# earning function
# suppress generation of default constructors
function ModelParam(; T = Float64,
γA = 1.5, ψA = 0.7, γB = 10.0, ψB = 0.05,
ρ = 0.001, φ = 0.02, νA = 0.01, μ = 0.02, σ = 0.041,
B1 = 30.72, δ1 = 0.0525, B2 = -30.29, δ2 = 0.0611, ω = 0.92)
scale = φ / (φ + δ1) * B1 + φ / (φ + δ2) * B2
B1 = B1 / scale
B2 = B2 / scale
return new{T}(γA , ψA, γB, ψB, ρ, φ, νA, μ, σ, B1, δ1, B2, δ2, ω)
One can construct a new ModelParam
object by calling x = ModelParam()
, which will deploy the baseline parameter values from the paper. Or instead, one can deviate from the baseline by calling something like x = ModelParam(ψA = 0.9, ψB = 0.5)
to change one or more paramter values while keeping the others the same. The default number type is Float64
, but one can choose T = BigFloat
for higher precision.
The second composite type is used to store discretized state variables.
struct StateVars{T, dim1} # add dim2, dim3, ... if more than one state variable
x::SVector{dim1, T}
function StateVars(dim1; T = Float64)
x = SVector{dim1, T}(range(zero(T), stop=one(T), length=dim1))
return new{T, dim1}(x)
Note that static arrays, instead of regular ones, are used for better performance. Static arrays conveniently keep the length as a type parameter, which will be repeatedly used later. There is only one state variable in this model whose value ranges from 0 to 1, but this composite type can be easily extended to accommodate more state variables with other ranges or discretization methods.
The third composite type is used to store everything including model solution.
struct ModelSol{T, dim1} # add dim2, dim3, ... if more than one state variable
state::StateVars{T, dim1}
sol::Dict{Symbol, StaticVector{dim1, T}}
function ModelSol(param::ModelParam{T}, state::StateVars{T, dim1}) where {T, dim1}
sol = Dict{Symbol, StaticVector{dim1, T}}()
return new{T, dim1}(param, state, sol)
The model solution is a set of equilibrium quantities represented by static arrays, which contain (approximate) values of these quantities at every (discretized) state of the model economy.
The equilibrium is characterized by a system of ordinary differential equations, which is solved by adding a pseudo time dimension and iterating backward in time until convergence. I carry out this procedure by exploiting DifferentialEquations.jl
, which requires defining the problem in a function like below.
function pde!(du, u, p, t)
param, state = p
γA = param.γA ; ψA = param.ψA ;
γB = param.γB ; ψB = param.ψB ;
ρ = param.ρ ; φ = param.φ ; νA = param.νA ;
μ = param.μ ; σ = param.σ ;
B1 = param.B1 ; δ1 = param.δ1 ;
B2 = param.B2 ; δ2 = param.δ2 ; ω = param.ω ;
for i in 1:length(state.x)
x = state.x[i]
pA = u[i,1] ; pAx, pAxx = fntdiff1d(state.x, view(u,:,1), i);
pB = u[i,2] ; pBx, pBxx = fntdiff1d(state.x, view(u,:,2), i);
ϕ1 = u[i,3] ; ϕ1x, ϕ1xx = fntdiff1d(state.x, view(u,:,3), i);
ϕ2 = u[i,4] ; ϕ2x, ϕ2xx = fntdiff1d(state.x, view(u,:,4), i);
# volatility of X, pA, pB, ϕ1, ϕ2, CA, CB and market price of risk κ
Γ = 1 / (x / γA + (1 - x) / γB)
p = x * pA + (1 - x) * pB
σx = σ * x * (Γ / γA - 1) / (1 + Γ * x * (1 - x) / (γA * γB) * ((1 - γB * ψB) / (ψB - 1) * (pBx / pB) - (1 - γA * ψA) / (ψA - 1) * (pAx / pA)))
σpA = pAx / pA * σx
σpB = pBx / pB * σx
σϕ1 = ϕ1x / ϕ1 * σx
σϕ2 = ϕ2x / ϕ2 * σx
κ = Γ * (σ - x * (1 - γA * ψA) / (γA * (ψA - 1)) * σpA - (1 - x) * (1 - γB * ψB) / (γB * (ψB - 1)) * σpB)
σCA = κ / γA + (1 - γA * ψA) / (γA * (ψA - 1)) * σpA
σCB = κ / γB + (1 - γB * ψB) / (γB * (ψB - 1)) * σpB
# drift of X, pA, pB, ϕ1, ϕ2, CA, CB and interest rate r
# A.16 Equation in Garleanu Panageas has a typo
mcA = κ^2 * (1 + ψA) / (2 * γA) + (1 - ψA * γA) / (γA * (ψA - 1)) * κ * σpA - (1 - γA * ψA) / (2 * γA * (ψA - 1)) * σpA^2
mcB = κ^2 * (1 + ψB) / (2 * γB) + (1 - ψB * γB) / (γB * (ψB - 1)) * κ * σpB - (1 - γB * ψB) / (2 * γB * (ψB - 1)) * σpB^2
r = ρ + 1 / (ψA * x + ψB * (1 - x)) * (μ - x * mcA - (1 - x) * mcB - φ * ((νA / pA + (1 - νA) / pB) * (ϕ1 + ϕ2) - 1))
μCA = ψA * (r - ρ) + mcA
μCB = ψB * (r - ρ) + mcB
μx = x * (μCA - φ - μ) + φ * νA / pA * (ϕ1 + ϕ2) - σ * σx
μpA = pAx / pA * μx + 0.5 * pAxx / pA * σx^2
μpB = pBx / pB * μx + 0.5 * pBxx / pB * σx^2
μϕ1 = ϕ1x / ϕ1 * μx + 0.5 * ϕ1xx / ϕ1 * σx^2
μϕ2 = ϕ2x / ϕ2 * μx + 0.5 * ϕ2xx / ϕ2 * σx^2
du[i,1] = pA * (1 / pA + (μCA - φ) + μpA + σCA * σpA - r - κ * (σpA + σCA))
du[i,2] = pB * (1 / pB + (μCB - φ) + μpB + σCB * σpB - r - κ * (σpB + σCB))
du[i,3] = ϕ1 * (B1 * ω / ϕ1 + (μ - φ - δ1) + μϕ1 + σ * σϕ1 - r - κ * (σϕ1 + σ))
du[i,4] = ϕ2 * (B2 * ω / ϕ2 + (μ - φ - δ2) + μϕ2 + σ * σϕ2 - r - κ * (σϕ2 + σ))
(Thanks to Matthieu Gomez, I skipped a lot of typing in this step.)
I provide two ways of visually checking convergence.
# check convergence via visualizations
# 1. show distance between consecutive updates
function isconverge1(sol::ODESolution)
p = plot(layout = @layout [a{0.5h}; b{0.5h}])
plot!(p[1], sol.t[2:end],
[chebyshev(sol.u[i-1], sol.u[i]) for i=2:length(sol.t)],
title = "Chebyshev distance"
plot!(p[2], sol.t[2:end],
[meanad(sol.u[i-1], sol.u[i]) for i=2:length(sol.t)],
title = "Mean absolute difference"
plot!(xguide = "t",
tickfontsize = 14,
legend = :none
return p
# 2. evolution from initial guess to final update (this step can take a few minutes)
function isconverge2(ms::ModelSol, sol::ODESolution)
anim = @animate for it=1:length(sol.t)
p = plot(layout = @layout [a{0.5h, 0.5w} b{0.5h, 0.5w};
c{0.5h, 0.5w} d{0.5h, 0.5w}]
plot!(p[1], ms.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
ylims = (0,40),
yguide = "pA"
plot!(p[2], ms.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
ylims = (0,35),
yguide = "pB"
plot!(p[3], ms.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
ylims = (0,450),
yguide = "ϕ1"
plot!(p[4], ms.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
ylims = (-400,0),
yguide = "ϕ2"
plot!(xguide = "X",
tickfontsize = 10,
legend = :none,
title = "t = " * @sprintf "%6.2f" sol.t[it]
return gif(anim, fps = 100)
As everything is ready, let's solve the model!
# Set density of the grid
dim1 = 200
# Use BigFloat for higher precision if necessary
T = Float64
# Initialization
msV0 = ModelSol(ModelParam(), StateVars(dim1))
# @benchmark
p = (msV0.param, msV0.state)
u0 = fill(one(T), dim1, 4)
sol = solve(ODEProblem(pde!, u0, (0.0, 500.0), p),
dense = false,
save_everystep = true # could be set to false after convergence confirmed
msV0.sol[:pA] = Size(dim1)(sol.u[end][:,1])
msV0.sol[:pB] = Size(dim1)(sol.u[end][:,2])
msV0.sol[:ϕ1] = Size(dim1)(sol.u[end][:,3])
msV0.sol[:ϕ2] = Size(dim1)(sol.u[end][:,4])
# this step is optional and can take a few minutes
isconverge2(msV0, sol)
# Set density of the grid
dim1 = 200
# Use BigFloat for higher precision if necessary
T = Float64
# Initialization
msV1 = ModelSol(ModelParam(ψA = 1.5, ψB = 1.05), StateVars(dim1))
# @benchmark
p = (msV1.param, msV1.state)
u0 = fill(one(T), dim1, 4)
sol = solve(ODEProblem(pde!, u0, (0.0, 100.0), p),
ARKODE(Sundials.Implicit(), order = 5),
dense = true,
save_everystep = true # could be set to false after convergence confirmed
u0 = sol.u[end]
sol = solve(ODEProblem(pde!, u0, (0.0, 50.0), p),
dense = false,
save_everystep = true # could be set to false after convergence confirmed
msV1.sol[:pA] = Size(dim1)(sol.u[end][:,1])
msV1.sol[:pB] = Size(dim1)(sol.u[end][:,2])
msV1.sol[:ϕ1] = Size(dim1)(sol.u[end][:,3])
msV1.sol[:ϕ2] = Size(dim1)(sol.u[end][:,4])
Based on the core equilibrium quantities attained above, all the other quantities of interest can be computed.
function complete!(ms::ModelSol{T, dim1}) where {T, dim1}
param, state, sol = ms.param, ms.state, ms.sol
γA = param.γA ; ψA = param.ψA ;
γB = param.γB ; ψB = param.ψB ;
ρ = param.ρ ; φ = param.φ ; νA = param.νA ;
μ = param.μ ; σ = param.σ ;
B1 = param.B1 ; δ1 = param.δ1 ;
B2 = param.B2 ; δ2 = param.δ2 ; ω = param.ω ;
sol[:μx] = Size(dim1)(fill(NaN,dim1))
sol[:σx] = Size(dim1)(fill(NaN,dim1))
sol[:s] = Size(dim1)(fill(NaN,dim1))
sol[:σS] = Size(dim1)(fill(NaN,dim1))
sol[:r] = Size(dim1)(fill(NaN,dim1))
sol[:κ] = Size(dim1)(fill(NaN,dim1))
@. sol[:s] = state.x * sol[:pA] + (1 - state.x) * sol[:pB] -
(φ / (φ + δ1) * sol[:ϕ1] + φ / (φ + δ2) * sol[:ϕ2])
for i in 1:dim1
x = state.x[i]
pA = sol[:pA][i] ; pAx, pAxx = fntdiff1d(state.x, sol[:pA], i);
pB = sol[:pB][i] ; pBx, pBxx = fntdiff1d(state.x, sol[:pB], i);
ϕ1 = sol[:ϕ1][i] ; ϕ1x, ϕ1xx = fntdiff1d(state.x, sol[:ϕ1], i);
ϕ2 = sol[:ϕ2][i] ; ϕ2x, ϕ2xx = fntdiff1d(state.x, sol[:ϕ2], i);
s = sol[:s][i] ; sx , sxx = fntdiff1d(state.x, sol[:s] , i);
# volatility of X, pA, pB, ϕ1, ϕ2, CA, CB and market price of risk κ
Γ = 1 / (x / γA + (1 - x) / γB)
p = x * pA + (1 - x) * pB
sol[:σx][i] = σx = σ * x * (Γ / γA - 1) / (1 + Γ * x * (1 - x) / (γA * γB) * ((1 - γB * ψB) / (ψB - 1) * (pBx / pB) - (1 - γA * ψA) / (ψA - 1) * (pAx / pA)))
sol[:σS][i] = sx / s * σx + σ
σpA = pAx / pA * σx
σpB = pBx / pB * σx
σϕ1 = ϕ1x / ϕ1 * σx
σϕ2 = ϕ2x / ϕ2 * σx
sol[:κ][i] = κ = Γ * (σ - x * (1 - γA * ψA) / (γA * (ψA - 1)) * σpA - (1 - x) * (1 - γB * ψB) / (γB * (ψB - 1)) * σpB)
σCA = κ / γA + (1 - γA * ψA) / (γA * (ψA - 1)) * σpA
σCB = κ / γB + (1 - γB * ψB) / (γB * (ψB - 1)) * σpB
# drift of X, pA, pB, ϕ1, ϕ2, CA, CB and interest rate r
# A.16 Equation in Garleanu Panageas has a typo
mcA = κ^2 * (1 + ψA) / (2 * γA) + (1 - ψA * γA) / (γA * (ψA - 1)) * κ * σpA - (1 - γA * ψA) / (2 * γA * (ψA - 1)) * σpA^2
mcB = κ^2 * (1 + ψB) / (2 * γB) + (1 - ψB * γB) / (γB * (ψB - 1)) * κ * σpB - (1 - γB * ψB) / (2 * γB * (ψB - 1)) * σpB^2
sol[:r][i] = r = ρ + 1 / (ψA * x + ψB * (1 - x)) * (μ - x * mcA - (1 - x) * mcB - φ * ((νA / pA + (1 - νA) / pB) * (ϕ1 + ϕ2) - 1))
μCA = ψA * (r - ρ) + mcA
μCB = ψB * (r - ρ) + mcB
sol[:μx][i] = μx = x * (μCA - φ - μ) + φ * νA / pA * (ϕ1 + ϕ2) - σ * σx
return nothing
The interest rate, market price of risk, return volatility, and the equity premium are plotted against the state variable.
p = plot(layout = @layout [a{0.5h, 0.5w} b{0.5h, 0.5w};
c{0.5h, 0.5w} d{0.5h, 0.5w}]
plot!(p[1], msV0.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
linestyle = :solid,
title = "Interest rate",
label = "baseline"
plot!(p[1], msV1.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
linestyle = :dash,
label = "ψA = 1.5, ψB = 1.05"
plot!(p[2], msV0.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
linestyle = :solid,
title = "Market price of risk",
legend = :none
plot!(p[2], msV0.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
linestyle = :dash
plot!(p[3], msV0.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
linestyle = :solid,
title = "Return volatility",
legend = :none
plot!(p[3], msV0.state.x,
linewidth = 2,
linestyle = :dash
plot!(p[4], msV0.state.x,
msV0.sol[:σS] .* msV0.sol[:κ],
linewidth = 2,
linestyle = :solid,
title = "Equity premium",
legend = :none
plot!(p[4], msV0.state.x,
msV1.sol[:σS] .* msV1.sol[:κ],
linewidth = 2,
linestyle = :dash
plot!(xguide = "X",
tickfontsize = 10