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Figma Tokens Engine

Transform design tokens in Figma into usable styles

πŸš› About Figma Token Engine

The Figma Token Engine is a project dependency that transforms design tokens (either as Figma Styles, from Token Studio, or variables2json) into CSS styles using style-dictionary.

Why variables2json plugin?

For all the other input formats, I'm using the Figma API to fetch the information I need directly from the Figma File. This is very useful to create automatic pipelines that don't require direct access (or even installing) to Figma.

However, at the time of this version, Figma Variables API is only for Enterprise Accounts, and I don't have access to one. That's why I had to rely on Figma plugins to extract and somewhat parse the variables data. Unfortunately, this makes the process more manual, as it requires someone to open the Figma file(s), run the plugin, save the token file and run the token engine.

I chose variables2json because it exports an easy to process format and the process to export it is straightforward enough. Also, because in cases where you're referencing a file's variables in another file, variables2json doesn't try to resolve it and mantains the name of the connection, which I need.

I was working on a version using the Figma Variable API output, from a brief moment I had access to an Enterprise account. The branch is feature/variables-input and if you have an enterprise account and are willing to check it out and continue the work, I'd be very grateful.

πŸ““ Config Files

The Figma Token Engine (FTE) requires two files which can be created using npx figma-token-engine --init.

The two files helps the FTE to access the Figma API and to know where to find and save the files you need.


First, .tokens.config.json has the custom configuration of the FTE pipeline:

  • tokenFormat: The type of data we're going to read from the Figma file. The current version supports the following formats:
    • FigmaStyles The Style library published by the Figma file. It read the colors, typographies and shadows and uses the name of the styles as is to name the generated variables.
    • TokensStudio Reads the tokens from the Tokens Studio plugin. The current version combines all tokens sets into the same output and does not support themes or theme groups.
    • variables2json Reads the export(s) from the Figma plugin variables2json. Parses the color and numeric variables. It also includes the Figma Styles.
  • inputFile The file where the tokens read from Figma will be written to and read by StyleDictionary
  • outputDir The location where the FTE will output the processed tokens.
  • platforms optional The specified platforms (called formats on StyleDictionary) that the FTE will generate. The current version supports:
    • css. Using css custom variables. Outputs to tokens.css
    • scss. Outputs to tokens.scss
    • scssMap. Creates a sass map with the tokens names as keys and the tokens values as the map values. Outputs to tokensMap.scss
    • less. Outputs to tokens.less
    • jsp. Outputs js variables to tokens.js
    • ts. Outputs ts variables to tokens.ts
    • json. Outputs a JSON, whose structure is the same as the source. Outputs to tokens.json


  "tokenFormat": "FigmaStyles",
  "inputFile": "./raw_styles.json",
  "outputDir": "./src/styles/tokens",
  "platforms": [

Specific input format arguments

Some input format may recieve additional arguments that configure how that specific format is processed or what data is logged into additional files

Tokens Studio
  • sets: Optional string[]. What sets will be included to parse and to resolve alias values. If undefined, all token sets will be parsed.
  • excludes Optional string[]. What token sets will be excluded from the result. This may be useful to include sets for token resolution but exclude them from the final outputs. If undefined, no token sets will be excluded.
  • transformerOutput: Optional string. Filename and location, either absolute or relative to the fte process, to write the output of the token-transformer. It has the tokens as they entery StyleDictionary pipeline. Useful for debugging. If undefined, it will be written to a temporary file.

See more

  "tokenFormat": "TokensStudio",
  "inputFile": "./raw_tokens.json",
  "outputDir": "./src/styles/tokens",
  "platforms": [
  "sets": ["base", "dark", "light"],
  "excludes": ["base"],
  "transformerOutput": "./tmp/transformed_tokens.json"
  • variableFiles. Required string | string[]. File or files of exports from variables2json. It receives more than one in the case you are using variables from multiple files. Even if they're alias between files!
  • parsedTokensFile: Optional string. Filename and location to write the parsed variables into. They're the data just before entering the StyleDictionary pipeline. Useful when debugging. If undefined, it will be written on a temporary file.
  "tokenFormat": "variables2json",
  "variableFiles": ["./global-tokens.json", "./component-tokens.json"],
  "outputDir": "./src/styles/tokens",
  "platforms": [
  "parsedTokenFile": "./tmp/parsed-variables.json"


Secondly, the .env exposes sensitive data we might not want to have in our repository such as the Figma API Key and the Figma file which we are pulling data from.

# Your personal Figma Personal Access token

# URL of the Figma file with the design tokens

πŸš€ How to use

You can also check out the more practical Quick Guide at Medium

Install Figma Token Engine to your project:

npm i figma-token-engine

Generate .env anc config files:

npx figma-token-engine --init

Add your Figma API KEY, Document URL and configuration to the .env file and the .tokens.config.json files.

Run the token engine using npm scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "token-engine:fetch": "figma-token-engine",

CLI params

  • figma-token-engine TOKEN_CONFIG_FILENAME A single flagless param will specify a custom .tokens.config.json file to read the FTE configuration from.

  • --init: Create necessary environment files (.env, .tokens.config.json) to run the token engine with example content.

  • --sd-config-file SD_CONFIG_FILENAME: Location of a StyleDictionary configuration file to merge with the one FTE uses. This can be used to extend platforms, filters, tokens location, etc.

    Example of a config file:

    As an js module
    module.exports = {
      "platforms": {
        "swift": {
          "transformGroup": "ios-swift",
          "buildPath": "./ios/",
          "files": [
              "destination": "ios",
              "format": "ios-swift/enum.swift",
              "options": {
                "fileHeader": () => ["This is a custom header"]
        "android": {
          "transformGroup": "android",
          "files": [
              "destination": "android",
              "format": 'android/resources',
              "options": {
                "fileHeader": () => ["This is a custom header"]
    As a JSON:
      "platforms": {
        "swift": {
          "transformGroup": "ios-swift",
          "buildPath": "./ios/",
          "files": [
              "destination": "ios",
              "format": "ios-swift/enum.swift",
              "options": {
                "fileHeader": "This is a custom header"
        "android": {
          "transformGroup": "android",
          "files": [
              "destination": "android",
              "format": "android/resources",

    The custom configuration file will have priority over FTE's configuration, however some fields will be appended, rather than overwritten:

    • Sources will be appended. StyleDictionary will still fetch the source specified in the .tokens.config.json
    • Parsers will be appended. StyleDictionary will still run FTE's parsers
    • Platforms will be appended and extended. FTE's premade platforms will still be configured. Custom configruation can add platforms or overwrite them, if specified. Also, FTE's buildPath (from the .tokens.config.json) and fileHeader will be added if not specified.
    • All other settings are added without modifications


TODO: Complete architecutre documentation of the pipeline

Go to architecture

πŸ“ Example: Create a React App and install Figma token Engine

First follow the instructions detailed in "How To Use". Then, we will create a fresh React app and will init the Figma Token Engine.

npx create-react-app@latest app-react
cd app-react
npx figma-token-engine --init

This will create or update two files: .tokens.config.json and .env, which are required for the tool to work. Add the required information in both files to continue.

If you added the FIGMA_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN and FIGMA_FILE_URL you can fetch the tokens into the inputFile file defined at the token file config .tokens.config.json.

npx figma-token-engine

More detailed guide: Quick Guide at Medium

🧰 Development

To start development of this tool, you need to take into account two thigs: The shell interaction happens in the file bin/fte.js while the rest of the project is a Typescript Node Tool.

Development Environment

Simple development environment:

npm run dev

Development environment with API Fetch:

npm run dev:api

Development environment of the init option:

npm run dev:init

🀝 Contribute

Contributions will open after the alpha release of this stack. Contact us if you have any questions.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Team