My SE Example Project. Presentation click here
- 64-Bit Windows 7 or later
- Windows Powershell 5.0 (comes with Windows 10)
- Git for Windows 2.x
- download latest Flutter SDK
- unzip in install folder (for example: C:\tools\flutter) or use git: “git clone -b stable”
- update your environment variables with \flutter\bin
- You can use “flutter doctor” to check if everything is working
- Install VS Code
- Install VS Studio 2019 with CMake
- Enable in config: “flutter config --enable-windows-desktop”
- create new project: “flutter create ”
- update old project: go to project directory execute: “flutter create .”
- Create a working Flutter Desktop Application
- Make a Scrollable List of Todos using this API:
- Bonus:
- Add Button to check/uncheck todos
- Add Button to delete todos
Repo with basic Structure and Example Solution here If there are problems after cloning try: “flutter create .” in the project directory “flutter doctor”