A list of learning resources. You know, for kids.
Currently COVID-19 is forcing us to take part in social distancing and many schools are being closed for various lengths and as a parent it can be hard to fill the on-coming days with activities. Here is an attempt to compile a list of some great STEM orientaited activites that should help fill that void.
A Shared Lesson Plan from Khan Academy with a nice guide of planning out the day, along with a guide to home learning during school closures.
Brain Pop *[free access to closed schools]
A wide collection of topics and videos, coupled together with Lesson plans. Offering free access to those with school closures. Check out thier Coronavirus Topic
Collection of educational and interesting videos.
Its hard these days to navigate the muddy waters of Youtube. Here are some Youtubers that aren't just playing videos games and vlogging family life.
Coyote Peterson is the Steve Irwin of Youtube. Amazing and Informative nature videos, even if he is a bit crazy.
Minecraft[~$30 / £25]
Easy to together as a family as cross device multiplayer on a LAN connection is possible. As a bonus, check out the Education Edition
Spleunkey [~$10 / £8]
2D Platformer.
Fun Bridge Building game thats available