Add Spotless code style formatter and linter
FHIR parser integration and configuration
JSON test samples
Base Types FhirR4, Element and Extension and JSON parser
Code systems
Date, DateTime, Instant and Time primitives
Base Resource types Resource, DomainResource, Coding, Meta and Narrative
Json parser tests for contained resources and primitives
generated FHIR R4 type system
generated full FHIR R4 type system
generated full FHIR STU3 type system
Add Kotlin script to generate full FHIR standard
Add development guide
Change FHIR STU3 config to allow multiple FHIR versions
Change XsDateTime implementation and parser to common for reuse in different FHIR versions
Change Fastlane actions to upgrade Python pip to allow dependency resolution
Change contribution guide and README
Change FhirHelper.FhirElementFactory .getFhirResourceType and .getFhirClass to nullalbe instead of throwing exception for FHIR V3 + V4
Change FhirHelper.FhirElementFactory.getFhirClass to ignore case class mapping for FHIR V3 + V4
Remove Fastlane and it's FHIR generator actions
Fix usage of backticks {backtick}
as they won't work on Android:
-> abstrakt
-> whenn
-> pakkage
Bump Gradle 6.8.2 -> 6.8.3
Bump Android Studio 4.1.2 -> 4.2.1
Bump Kotlin 1.4.21 -> 1.4.32
Bump Kotlin Serialization 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0
Bump Kotlin DateTime 0.1.1 -> 0.2.0
Bump AndroidX KTX 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2
Bump AndroidX ConstrainLayout 2.0.1 -> 2.0.4
Bump JUnit 4.13 -> 4.13.2
Bump Mockk 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0
Bump Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.9-native-mt -> 1.4.3-native-mt
Bump Python 3.7.8 -> 3.7.9
Bump Ruby 2.7.3
You need to replace following properties for FHIR3 types Medication
, Signature
, Timing
and ValueSet
-> abstrakt
-> whenn
-> pakkage
You can’t perform that action at this time.