This repository contains variation of the "R Tutorials" software at:
"[...] the original standard analysis is implemented in the following R software tutorial that shows how to calculate DNAm age based on Illumina DNA Infinium 27K or 450K data is available. These R scripts carry out normalization steps and show how to estimate DNAm age."
Based on the number of CpG sites selected (AdditionalFile3.csv
I believe this code corresponds to the work in:
Horvath, S. DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types. Genome Biol 14, 3156 (2013).
This step installs dependencies (it takes a while to compile up the binaries). You'll need R and development tools (probably gcc).
$ R
> if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
> BiocManager::install()
> BiocManager::install("impute")
> BiocManager::install("preprocessCore")
> BiocManager::install("GO.db")
> BiocManager::install("AnnotationDbi")
> BiocManager::install("RPMM")
> install.packages("sqldf")
> install.packages("WGCNA")
$ R
> source("main.r")
I used R version 4.0.2.