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General Queueing library that supports various backend storage systems


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General queue library for PHP, ability to support various different queue systems.

For more documentation, see the wiki.


composer require dspacelabs/queue



use Dspacelabs\Component\Queue\Message;

// Publishing messages to a queue
$message = new Message($body);
 * This will publish a message to the queue you created, the $body can be
 * anything you want.

// Receive messages
$message = $queue->receive();
$body    = $message->getBody();
// ... Process Data ...
 * $message will be the message that was published. `->receive()` can be put
 * into a foreach loop if you want to continue to process the queue until
 * all the messages are processed, use a for loop in you only want to process
 * a small number of the messages

 * Once you are done processing a message, it needs to be deleted from the queue

Messages, Queues, Broker

Messages are published to queues. When you receive a message from a queue, you will be interacting with this class.

Queues are where you publish your messages to. For example, a Queue could be an AWS SQS, RabbitMQ, or any other queue you can think of.

The Broker helps you keep track of queues. So instead of having 100 different queue objects all over, you just add all those to the Broker and let the Broker sort them out. You just get the ones you need.

Using the FileQueue

The FileQueue will store messages on disk and is good to use for local development.

Messages are stored on disk in the file naming format "name.timestamp.message" so you can have multiple file queues share the same directory.


use Dspacelabs\Component\Queue\FileQueue;
use Dspacelabs\Component\Queue\Message;

$queue = new FileQueue('', '/tmp/');
$queue->publish(new Message('Hello World!'));

// ...

$message = $queue->receive();
$body = $message->getBody(); // $body === "Hello World!"

Using the SqsQueue

Requires Amazon PHP SDK.

php composer.phar require aws/aws-sdk-php

use Aws\Credentials\Credentials;
use Aws\Sqs\SqsClient;
use Dspacelabs\Component\Queue\SqsQueue;

$credentials = new Credentials($accessKey, $secretKey);
$client = new SqsClient([
    'version'     => 'latest',
    'region'      => 'us-east-1',
    'credentials' => $credentials,

$queue  = new SqsQueue($client, $queueUrl, $name);

Using the StandardQueue

The standard queue is mainly used for testing. Once this is setup you can quickly test your workflow. Keep in mind that this has some drawbacks mainly that the messages are not persisted.


// First you need to setup the Queue
$queue = new \Dspacelabs\Component\Queue\StandardQueue('');

// Create a message that will be sent to the queue
$message = new \Dspacelabs\Component\Queue\Message('Hello World A');

// Publish the message

// Consume all messages
/** @var Message $msg **/
while ($msg = $queue->receive()) {
    // process message
    // ...
    // Delete the Message from the queu

NOTE: When using the StandardQueue, you do not need to delete the message like in this example $queue->delete($msg); HOWEVER there are some queues out there that support this.

Using the RedisQueue

To use the RedisQueue you need to install Predis

composer require predis/predis

Once you have done that, you can begin to use the Redis as one of the possible Queues.


use Predis\Client;
use Dspacelabs\Component\Queue\RedisQueue;

$client = new Client();
$queue  = new RedisQueue($client, '');

See for Predis documentation.

Using the Broker

If you have multiple queues, you can use the Broker which will just help you manage the various queues you have. For example, you could be using multiple SQS queues and want a single point to access those at. The Broker will help you with this.

It's also important to point out that the broker supports all queue types in this library. So you can use the SQS Queue, Standard Queue, or a custom queue that you made.


use Dspacelabs\Component\Queue\Broker;

$broker = new Broker();

// I assume you already have a queue

// `` is the name given to the queue you created
// I assume you already have a `$message` created

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Copyright (c) 2015-2017 dSpace Labs LLC

See LICENSE for full license.


General Queueing library that supports various backend storage systems








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