A simple 2D Platformer built with PyGame.
No OOP stuff were possible (no inheritance, no polymorphism, no virtual methods and no patterns -ever) but still Python, so you will find data classes that are the closest thing in PY to a C-like struct also some 3rd party PyGame classes.
Easy to extend and create custom behaviors (see characters.py).
Map drawing using single tiles or chunks to improve software rendering performance (see game_render.py).
Custom Tiled support including character spawning (see tilemap_scripts.py).
Also includes:
- Static collisions against a tile-based map and dynamic collisions between characters (see game_scripts.py).
- Side scrolling for a tile-based map with completely aligned cameras and using offsets (see game_render.py).
- Character sprite-animations updated according to entity state (see game_render.py).
Install Python 3.12.x from https://www.python.org/
Run this command to download PyGame:
pip install -U pygame --user
Open folder with VSCodium (VSCode) and press F5.