This project is used to create custom themes for CookieHub. In the src folder you will find the source code for sample themes and common SCSS code that can be used to speed up the development.
The project uses ParcelJS to run a local web server with hot reloading and SCSS compilation.
Follow these steps to get started:
Install Node.js
Clone the git repository
Install Parcel using Yarn or NPM:
yarn global add parcel-bundler
npm install -g parcel-bundler
Install required packages using Yarn or NPM:
yarn install
npm install
Start parcel:
parcel src/index.html
Open up the site in a web browser: http://localhost:1234
- dist Production build
- src Source code
- common Common SCSS files shared between different themes
- _block.scss
- _button.scss Button styling
- _container.scss Intended for container specific code
- _dark.scss Dark color scheme
- _declaration.scss Cookie declaration tab
- _dialog.scss Initial cookie consent dialog
- _icon.scss Floating settings icon
- _light.scss Light color scheme
- _reset.scss Browser reset
- _settings.scss Settings dialog
- _typography.scss Typography
- _variables.scss SCSS variables
- themes Available themes
- bar
- theme.scss The theme SCSS file
- bar
- index.html Test html file
- index.js Used to load the SCSS into the compiler
- index.scss Primary SCSS file importing common SCSS files and themes
- common Common SCSS files shared between different themes
- .ch2 Root container
- .ch2-container Container and overlay
- .ch2-dialog Initial dialog
- p
- .ch2-dialog-actions
- button.ch2-allow-all-btn
- button.ch2-open-settings-btn
- .ch2-settings Settings dialog
- .ch2-settings-header
- a.ch2-close-settings-btn
- p
- .ch2-settings-tabs Tab toggler
- ul
- li
- ul
- .ch2-settings-content Tabs
- .ch2-settings-tab-container Settings tab content
- p
- p
- button.ch2-allow-all-btn
- button.ch2-deny-all-btn
- .ch2-settings-options One for each cookie category
- .ch2-settings-option
- .ch2-switch
- .ch2-settings-option-details
- .ch2-switch
- .ch2-settings-option
- .ch2-settings-tab-container Declaration tab content
- .ch2-settings-declaration
- p
- p
- .ch2-declaration-category One for each cookie category
- p.ch2-header
- p
- table
- .ch2-settings-declaration
- .ch2-settings-tab-container Settings tab content
- .ch2-settings-actions Action button in the settings dialog
- p
- button.ch2-save-settings-btn
- .ch2-settings-header
- .ch2-icon Floating settings icon
- a.ch2-open-settings-btn
- svg
- span
- a.ch2-open-settings-btn
- .ch2-dialog Initial dialog
- .ch2-container Container and overlay