Utility library for managing remote configuration in Angular applications.
Configuration is loaded from remote URL and accessible via simple configuration facade.
The best way to find out, what library can offer to you, is by exploring the examples. There is a demo app prepared, which showcases all features of this library.
To install the package, simply run following command at path, where your package.json
is located:
npm install ngx-remote-configuration
Then, register library providers:
// register the remote configuration providers
Public Api of the library is represented by single ConfigurationManager
This facade provides stream with latest configuration object from remote source.
Sample usage of the facade:
// full configuration
.configuration$.subscribe(config => console.log('Full configuration:', config));
// some value/ section
.subscribe(value => console.log('Configuration value under <nestedObj.secondProp> :', value));
// section bound to a class instance
.value$<NestedConfigurationSection>('nestedObj', NestedConfigurationSection)
.subscribe(value =>
console.log('Configuration value under <nestedObj>, bound to class instance :', value)
For detailed usage preview, check out demo sample app.
Library provides several add-ins features, which can modify/enrich the default behaviour.
Example of some Add-ins:
- Resilient configuration loading: Adds resiliency when loading configuration from remote source.
Enabled by calling
when registering providers. - Periodic configuration reloads: Adds periodic reloads of configuration. Consumers are notified only when configuration value changes.
Enabled by calling
when registering providers. - On bootstrap load: By default, configuration is loaded when it is requested for the first time.
This add-in opposes this default behaviour, and loads configuration before application starts - blocking the startup until configuration is resolved.
Enabled by calling
when registering providers.
For the full list of features, check provider registration in demo sample app.