Download the file DanID Test (gyldig) under Virksomhedscertifikater
You got your p12
certificate now generate *.pem
files, use following commands:
Convert it to public.pem
, use the password Test1234
# public
openssl pkcs12 \
-in certs/VOCES_gyldig.p12 \
-out certs/public.pem \
-clcerts \
NOTE: Remove the initial lines with Bag Attributes if present.
Only the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
, the base64
encoded certificate and -----END CERTIFICATE-----
are relevant.
# private
openssl pkcs12 \
-in certs/VOCES_gyldig.p12 \
-clcerts \
-out certs/private.pem
$ cat > .env << EOL
export ORIGIN=
There are two available types of NemID test users.