Vagrant setup for an Oracle XE installation
Requires an Oracle account and acceptance of the license terms. The Linux RPM file is required:
Make this available to the project's oracle folder, for example:
cp ~/Downloads/ oracle/
TODO: Document here a quick-guide?
This installation is using the official Vagrant images of CentOS Linux 6.8 which does not pre-install the VirtualBox Guest Additions. When running with the VirtualBox provider, install the vagrant-vbguest plugin.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
To provision/start the Oracle XE instance:
vagrant up
Connect to the running database via the XE listener on localhost port 1521. JDBC connection string is "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE"
You can also connect to the web console via http://localhost:8080/apex/f?p=4950:1
To stop the Oracle XE instance:
vagrant halt
To remove the Oracle XE instance:
vagrant destroy