- denotes a caveat, noted in installation below
This is a project I've spent admittedly way too much time on for what it is, but it's been very useful for developing mods so far. It's a tool that allows you to delete, enable or disable mods from the game's mod folder without having to manually move them around, and it has the added benefit of having quick access to the game's mod folder, as well as buttons to easily install console commands and unity-explorer! Installs bepinex in the blink of an eye, allowing for quick removal in the case of borking something, or quick installation for those who aren't as comfortable moving files around themselves!
*Mod management! (delete, enable, disable mods)
*Quick access to the game's mod folder
*Quick access to the game's console commands mod
*Quick access to the game's unity-explorer mod
*One-press BepInEx installation!
*One-press BepInEx removal!
*On the fly directory scanning/refresh! (goodbye, refresh button I can never find!)
Just unzip DDLoader.zip to wherever you feel like keeping it, and run DDLoader.exe!
NOTE+: resources has to be in the same folder as DDLoader.exe at all times!
NOTE++:Havendock and Havendock Demo will collide, get rid of Havendock Demo if you want to use the Havendock section. You bought the game already anyways!
NOTE+++:Muck uses Bep6 here (my mods use bep6 normally), most mods use Bep5. If you want to use Bep5 mods, you'll have to install Bep5 yourself. I'll add a button for it later, but I'm not too concerned about it right now.