This is a rewriten codebase from the CatGenius project
The reason of rewriting this code was that I had some issue with the original project, instead of trying to debug it, given the complexity it had reached and use of deprecated compiler, I decided to rewrite it with a simpler logic.
Many functionalities of the original project is not implemented yet.
Currently it is tested with a catgenie120 (the currently sold version) and a PIC16F1939 but should work seamlessly on the original PIC16F877
This version works with MPLab X IDE and the current XC8 compiler
- Implement the cat sensor
- Implement the storage of the settings to the NVM
- Implement a software stop on the overheat signal
- Implement further menu settings for dry cycle
- The timed process of cleaning doesn't start but is probably fix (tests ongoing).
- main - original startup
- catgenie120 - hardware related
- tasks - contains all the task related like moving things, checking things
- process - control the processes related of cleaning
- businesslogic - control all the triggers for cleaning and user interface actions