Frontend of chat app written in javascript using my own libs. Initially I was trying to find a model in which code would be separated and organised logically so that it can be extendable in future. So after five rewrites I've ended up with what I want. Whole thing is written c-ish (in the same way that I write c code) so that it can be readable by non-js programmers.
- ds_utilities - collection of functions
- ds_prefs - pair with localStorage load/save options
Write server (PHP part) of code.
- main.js - script that gets called from <body onLoad="main()">
- ui.js - functions controlling interface (html dom)
- resolve.js - resolves events and chat commands
- prefs.js - project preferences
- strings.js - project strings
- demo.js - demo functions
Damir Šijaković (c) 2019, BSD Licence