A tiny php include to make php code more strict and catch problems sooner.
This library catches all PHP notices, warnings, and errors and turns them into PHP exceptions.
It also catches all uncaught exceptions and prints a stack trace. It can also send an email alert for uncaught exceptions.
The net result is that minor problems are caught early in development and it forces the developer to write much cleaner code.
The email alerts are useful for production environments, to notify site operators of any problems.
strictmode.php is a single file that can be included with require_once or can be included via autoload when using composer.
app code:
This uses require_once(), see below for autoload example.
require_once( __DIR__ . '/../strictmode.php');
define( 'strictmode\ALERTS_MAILTO', 'yourmail@yourdomain.com' );
echo HELLO; // this will generate a PHP notice.
Uncaught Exception. code: 8, message: Use of undefined constant HELLO - assumed 'HELLO'
/home/danda/dev/strictmode-php/t.php : 7
Stack Trace:
#0 /home/danda/dev/strictmode-php/t.php(7): strictmode\_global_error_handler(8, 'Use of undefine...', '/home/danda/dev...', 7, Array)
#1 {main}
INFO: alert sent to yourmail@yourdomain.com
Now exiting. Please report this problem to the software author
For comparison, here is normal php output without strictmode.php
PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant HELLO - assumed 'HELLO' in /home/danda/dev/strictmode-php/t.php on line 7
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
define( 'strictmode\ALERTS_MAILTO', 'yourmail@yourdomain.com' );
// your app code...
define( 'strictmode\ALERTS_MAILTO', 'yourmail@yourdomain.com' );
define( 'strictmode\ALERTS_DISABLE', 1 );
Install strictmode-php into your own project using a composer require in your project's composer.json, eg:
$ cd yourproject
$ composer require dan-da/strictmode-php
Then run composer install.
- add more test cases