Note that the concepts of a neural network is not explained in this Jupyter Notebook. For a better explanation, please go to this repository.
- 784 input nodes
- 1 hidden layer (70 nodes)
- 10 output nodes
- Hidden layer 1 -> Sigmoid
- Output layer -> Softmax
- Learning rate: 1e−5 to 1.5
- Regularization: 3e−5
- Batches: 10
- Learning rate: 1 (Constant learning rate)
The learning rate of the neural network is manually tuned between epochs in order to prevent overfitting by observing the accuracy plot. As a result, the following shows the cost and gradient of the neural network.
After 11 epochs, we are able to obtain a training accuracy of 92.84 %, and a test accuracy of 92.72%. This result is relatively good as the model fits the data well, and does not overfit.
In the Jupyter Notebook, we fed a test image with the number 7.
With the Softmax as the activation function, we are able to predict the number 7, where P(7) ~ 0.92
The following shows the output layer values when the test image was fed:
Predicted number: 7
Actual number: 7
Output layer