Use Git Worktree to implement automatic front-end deployment, and the source code workspace and production branch do not interfere with each other.
前端 --- front-end
- 需至少准备一个源码分支以外的生产分支(You need to prepare at least one production branch other than the source code branch)
- branches eg:
- master -- 源码主分支
- test -- 测试分支
- release -- 生产代码分支
- ...其他分支
服务端 --- server
- 服务端对接代码仓库的各生产分支,部署于对应服务上。(The server connects to each production branch of the code repository and deploys it on the corresponding service.)
// ./scripts/publish.mjs
import autoPublish from 'nodejs-auto-publish';
// 只有一个打包分支 only one packaging branch
branch: 'release',
npmScript: 'app:prod',
master:'master' // Package qualifies the source branch that must be switched to
// 有多个打包分支 monorepo or multiple packaging branch
branch: {
1: {
name: 'release-branch-1',
dist: 'myDistPath/app1',
npmScript: 'app1:prod',
2: {
name: 'release-branch-2',
dist: 'myDistPath/app2',
npmScript: 'app2:prod'
// run node ./scripts/publish.mjs in terminal
// 终端运行 node ./scripts/publish.mjs
prop | type | desc | default |
master | string | 你的主源码分支,如果设置为null,则任意分支均可以打包发布代码,否则必须切换到master分支才能进行 | master |
branch | string / object | 打包分支名,请参照上述示例 | release |
npmScript | string | 打包脚本,参照package.json的打包脚本,内部会执行npm run ${npmScript} ,只在单个打包分支下有效,多个打包分支参照示例配置 |
debug | boolean | 调试模式,在git commit 后结束进程,不会触发 git push | false |
customCommit | function | 自定义git commit message | ({release,currentSrcBranch})=>{} |
dist | string | 打包输出的目录,只在单个打包分支下有效,多个打包分支参照示例配置 | dist |
shortCommit | boolean | 简短的commit hash | true |