Install in a "new" old computer HDD or SSD
Download the OS image x64 Syncloud OS from here and write it to a USB flash drive following the instructions in the same page; Start the computer with the USB (select the appropriate boot device from your computer BIOS); Login with default credentials for non-activated device. Login: root, password: syncloud ;
Assuming you have only one SSD/HDD in your computer, use this command:
sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda bs=4096 conv=noerror,sync
This will take a while, but after running it, the system is on the HDD or SSD. Turn off your computer with:
sudo shutdown now
Power it up again, select the boot device again from your BIOS, but to start the HDD/SSD.
Before any app install, expand the file system to take real disk size in Settings - Storage - Expand.
And it´s done.