My personal dotfiles, currently running Arch with qtile. With some inspiration from Hollow Knight!
Note: these dots are intended for my setup. You can use and modify them freely, but you might need to make some modifications specific to your system. Fell free to ask any questions!
- OS: Arch Linux
- WM: Qtile with qtile-extras
- Terminal: kitty
- Shell: fish
- Bar: Qtile's bar
- Launcher & powermenu: Rofi
- Browser: Firefox
- Fonts: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font for general text and Font Awesome 6 Free for some bar icons.
- Gtk: Tokyo Night
- File manager: Nautilus & Ranger
- Editors: Neovim (with my own config), VSCode
- Fetch: neofetch
- Compositor: Picom (Jonaburg fork)
- Dashboard: eww config by rxyhn
- Colorscheme: Catppuccin
- The Material Design Icons font is needed: paru -S ttf-material-design-icons-extended