I am an embedded systems engineer. In my free time, I work on a few projects. My projects are mostly in the field of microcontrollers, and I also include a blog explaining the project in detail.
- I am well versed in ARM cortex microcontrollers and have written register-level code for my STM 32 F407 Discovery Board, which is available on the STM32-F4 Repository.
- I have also implemented a few Arduino projects that are available in the Arduino-Code Repository.
- I have also implemented a few basic projects on my FPGA board, the Altera Cyclone II EP2C5. I develop my projects in Verilog on the Altera Quartus II which can be found in the ALTERA CYCLONE II repository.
- There are 3 more repositories which I worked on:
- Inventory-billing-system which was a project I worked on to get a better grasp on Python file handling and Tkinter
- ENERGY-METER which was a project in my bachelor's where I worked on IOT and automation.
- Speech-Recognition which is also a project I worked on during my bachelor's where I worked with audio files in MATLAB