Mobile && Web app for the CULM (Centro Universitario de Lenguas Modernas de Zaragoza)
You can download and use both versions of the app in the official CULM website.
- Android apk download link (currently unavailable)
- Web app version:
It's necessary to have one of the latest Android versions and Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. versions.
In a few words: the WebApp asks for the data to the REST API, which will return the information, either from an Oracle DB or through web-scraping.
The appp has been developed with:
- Client side:
- Ionic Framework
- AngularJS
- PhoneGap in order to create the Android version
- Server side:
- JAX-RS using Jersey libraries
- Jsoup library for web-scraping
Project is prepared to be build, compiled and deployed either with Eclipse IDE or IntellJ Idea. You have available a branch for each of the IDEs mentioned.
The needed libraries are included in the pom.xml file, so Maven should be used. Those libraries should be placed in the directory WebContent/WEB-INF/lib.