Welcome to the Terminal Chess Game, a classic chess game built entirely in the terminal!
- Full Chess Mechanics: Implements all standard chess rules, including castling, en passant, and pawn promotion.
- Two-Player Mode: Challenge a friend and take turns making moves.
- Valid Move Checking: Ensures all moves follow chess rules and highlights invalid attempts.
- Intuitive Board Display: A clean and easy-to-read ASCII representation of the chessboard.
- Save and Load Games: Pause and resume your match anytime.
- Language: Pure Ruby for all logic and functionality.
- Object-Oriented Design: Structured with classes for pieces, board, and game mechanics.
- Terminal Interaction: Designed for smooth input/output in a terminal environment.
- Chess Logic Expertise: This project showcases advanced programming logic, including move validation, check detection, and stalemate conditions.
- Determination and Passion: Built with attention to detail and a love for chess, entirely from scratch.
Want to see the game in action? Check out the instructions below! ⬇️
To play the game on Glitch, follow these steps:
- Open the Project: Visit the link to the Glitch project. Live Demo
- Remix the Project:
- Click the "Remix to Edit" button in the upper-right corner of the page. This creates your own editable copy of the project.
- Open the Terminal:
- Click on Terminal in the lower-left corner.
- Run the Game:
- In the terminal, type the following command:
ruby lib/main.rb
- Press Enter to start the game.
- In the terminal, type the following command:
- Enjoy:
- Follow the on-screen instructions to begin your chess match!
Note: The save and load feature may not work on Glitch due to the platform's older Ruby version. For full functionality, consider running the game locally with Ruby 3.0 or later.
- AI Opponent: Add a single-player mode with AI for various difficulty levels.
- Multiplayer Online: Enable online matches with friends.
Enjoy playing chess the old-school way, right in your terminal! ♙♞♜