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A Python program that uses an NFA to check if a regular expression matches a given string


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Graph Theory

Y3S2 Graph Theory Project


A Python program that can build a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) from a regular expression, and can use the NFA to check if the regular expression matches a given string of text.

The program uses an algorithm known as Thompson's construction, a method of transforming a regular expression into an equivalent NFA. The code works by composing small NFA fragments that represent part of the regular expression, and then proceeding to build larger NFAs from those smaller NFA fragments. If the given string is accepted by the NFA, the program will output True, and False otherwise.


The below operators/metacharacters are implemented:

Operator Represents NFA Fragment *
. Concatenation. concat
| Alternation/Union. union
? Zero-or-one occurrences of a character. optional
+ One-or-more occurrences of a character. plus
* Zero-or-more occurrences of a character. kleene

* NFA fragment diagrams taken from these slides on Thompson's Construction.


The program can be run as follows, using the -m argument in order to execute the module.

$ python3 -m match -r REGEX -t TEXT

Command-Line Arguments

Argument Description
-h/--help Prints a help message and then exits.
-v/--version Shows the program's version number then and exits.
-r/--regex The regular expression to match.
-t/--text The string of text you want to try and match against the pattern defined by the regular expression.


Running Example

Installing with pip

From inside the root of the repository, run:

$ sudo pip3 install .

This will allow you to run the program system-wide, while omitting the python3 -m.

PIP Example

Note: You may first need to apt install python3-pip before installing.


You can uninstall it again by running sudo pip3 uninstall match.


Tests are located in the tests/ directory.

Run All Tests

$ python3 -m unittest discover --verbose

"Testing Example"

Run a Single Test

$ python3 tests/[file_name].py


The documentation for this project is deployed on GitHub Pages.

Building the Docs

Note: You may first need to install the Sphinx documentation generator. On Debian-based Linux distributions this can be done by running:

$ sudo apt install python3-sphinx

You should then be able to run make html from within the docs/ directory to reproduce the HTML files, which will be placed in the _build/html directory.

"Sphinx Example"


  • The docstrings thoughout this project follow the reStructuredText (reST) format outlined in PEP 287.

  • The contents of the docs/ directory were mostly auto-generated using the sphinx-quickstart command, followed by sphinx-apidoc -o . ../match --separate to create the RST files.


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