The objective is to find a path on a given grid, encompassing N by N dimensions, with a central agent and multiple dynamic counteragents. The task is to ascertain a viable path for the main agent that adheres to step-by-step validity and avoids collisions with counteragents. This is achieved by transforming the grid into Kripke Structures, subsequently translated into Boolean formulas, and presented to SAT solvers. A solution to these formulas equates to a valid path for the main agent, therefore reducing the pathfinding challenge into a SAT problem. The formulas, acting as the model, undergo iterative evaluation up to a specified bound (BMC), representative of the main agent's path length.
- Design and custom grid with counter agents movements
- Auto generate a counter agent system according to parameters
- View the system as kripke structures with occupancy indicators
- Solve with timeout and bound constraints
- Iterative animation of the path found
- User Manual
- Maintenance Guide
- Demonstration Video
- Project Presentation
- Project Research Book
- Running automated tests with specific parameters (also serves as backend code example)
- Kripke Structure representation
- Node in Kripke structure representation
- A counter-agent representation
- A System with counter agents representation
- Imports and exports .sys files from/to the file system
- Generates Kripke structures from Systems and auto generates systems according to given input parameters
- Reduces Kripke structures into SAT problem and generates a formula representing the system
- Attempts to find a suitable path for the given formula using Z3 solver and BMC
- A small visual utilities function class
- files: The GUI layer of the system, interacting with the Services via the Models
Clone the repository
git clone
In the terminal go to the repository's local path
cd BMC_Path_Planning
To install the project dependencies, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application GUI
The following codes demonstrates a basic benchmark recorder using the Models and Services provided in this project.
import time
from datetime import datetime
import os
from z3 import sat
import csv
# Importing custom modules
from Services.FileManager import system_to_file
from Services.KripkeGenerator import auto_generate_system
from Services.Solver import Solve
# Define header for the CSV file
header = ['Number', 'Iterations', 'Gen Time', 'Solution Time', 'Avg Iter Time']
# Define the number of test iterations to perform
num_tests_to_perform = 2
# Define parameters for the system and solving
n = 40
counter_agents = 1
stay_chance = 0.0
stray_radius = 10
k = (2 * n) - 1
max_iter = 110 # n * n
# Generate a unique filename based on parameters
filename = f"test_n{n}_nc{counter_agents}_sr{stray_radius}_sc{int(stay_chance * 100)}_maxit{max_iter}"
# Define the path for storing test results
path = f'tests/{filename}'
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist
# Open a CSV file for writing the results
file = open(f'{path}/{}.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8')
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Loop through the test iterations
t = 0
while t < num_tests_to_perform:
k = (2 * n) - 1
start_gen = time.time()
# Generate the system
sys, m2 = auto_generate_system(n, counter_agents, stay_chance, stray_radius)
end_gen = time.time()
stat = None
start_solve = time.time()
# Solve the system with incremental k values until satisfiable or max_iter reached (BMC)
while stat != sat and k <= max_iter:
stat, sol = Solve(n, m2, k)
if stat != sat:
k += 1
end_solve = time.time()
# If satisfiable, record the results
if stat == sat:
t += 1
gen_time = end_gen - start_gen
solve_time = end_solve - start_solve
num_iters = k - (2 * n) + 2
# Write data to CSV
data = [t, num_iters, gen_time, solve_time, float(solve_time) / float(num_iters)]
# Save the system to a file
system_to_file(f'{path}/{t}.sys', m2)
# Print results
print(f'Generation time: {gen_time}')
print(f'Solution time: {solve_time}')
print(f'Iterations : {num_iters}')
print(f'Avg Iteration Time : {float(solve_time) / float(num_iters)}')
- Daniel Belaish
- Liron Lavi