This Python script prompts the user to enter scores for four exams, sorts these scores, outputs the highest and lowest scores, provides a sorted list of these exam scores, calculates the average score excluding the lowest exam score, and finally assigns a letter grade based on this average.
- Input Exam Scores: Users can input scores for four separate exams.
- Sorting Scores: The program automatically sorts these scores in ascending order.
- Highest and Lowest Scores: Outputs both the highest and lowest exam scores.
- Sorted List of Scores: Displays the exam scores sorted from lowest to highest.
- Average Score Calculation: Calculates the average score based on the highest three exams.
- Letter Grade Assignment: Assigns a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) based on the average score.
To use this script, you'll need a Python environment set up on your machine. Follow these steps:
- Start the Script: Run the script in your Python environment.
- Enter Exam Scores: When prompted, enter the scores for each of the four exams. Input should be a number that can be a floating point value for more precision.
- View Results: After entering the scores, the script will automatically display:
- The highest score.
- The lowest score.
- A sorted list of the scores from lowest to highest.
- The average score based on the three highest exams.
- The letter grade assigned based on the average score.
Please enter Exam 1 score: 85 Please enter Exam 2 score: 92 Please enter Exam 3 score: 78 Please enter Exam 4 score: 88
Highest score: 92.0 Lowest score: 78.0 Exams Entered: [78.0, 85.0, 88.0, 92.0] Average Score (lowest exam dropped): 88.33 Grade: B - That's Great!
- The program calculates the average score by excluding the lowest of the four exam scores to potentially enhance the overall grade.
- The grading scale used is as follows: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), and F (below 60).
Feel free to fork this repository to make changes or improvements. Pull requests are welcomed!