domain-events is a js library to create and asyncronously dispatch Domain Events.
$ npm install domain-events
const domainEvents = require('domain-events');
const EventBus = domainEvents.EventBus;
const DomainEvent = domainEvents.DomainEvent;
let eventBus = new EventBus();
let aEvent = new DomainEvent('user.created', { userId: '12' });
let anotherEvent = new DomainEvent('action.happened', { actionId: 'ACTION' });
// A event handler could be a simple function
let aFunctionHandler = function(aDispatchedEvent) {
console.log(`[[ANY]] ${}`);
// A event handler could be a object with a "handle" method
let aObjectHandler = {
handle: (aDispatchedEvent) => {
console.log(`[[user.created]] user id: ${aDispatchedEvent.payload().userId}`);
eventBus.register(aGlobalEventsHandler); // Handle every event
eventBus.register(aSingleEventHandler, 'user.created'); // Handle only 'user.created' events
console.log('Other syncrounous code...');
// --> "Other sincrounous code..."
// --> "[[ANY]] user.created"
// --> "[[user.created]] user id: 12"
// --> "[[ANY]] action.happened"
Create domain events with the DomainEvent class.
let event = new DomainEvent('');
let event = new DomainEvent('', { a: 12 });
let event = new DomainEvent('', { a: 12 }, 1502530224425);
A String which will be the name of the event (use the same string to register handlers for that event). Usually, because a domain event represents something that happened in the past, is preferrable to name events with an action in the past tense. Because the event name is just a plain string any naming convention flavour is possible, according to your coding style.
- 'user.created'
- 'purchaseCompleted'
Any serializable value which will be provided to the handlers as the payload of the event. Any value that can be serialized as a JSON string could be provided as the paylod and will have an expected behaviour.
// Valid values examples:
'A string'
{ a: 23 }
Newly created domain events are automatically assigned the creation timestamp by the constructor, so it is usually not necessary to provide a specific timestamp. Anyway it is possible to provide a different event creation timestamp to adjust the default behaviour to any particular needs.
Returns the event name (a String).
Returns the (immutable) event payload, or null if the event has no payload.
Returns the event creation timestamp.
Returns a serialized JSON string representing the event. This could be provided to the static DomainEvent.deserialize() method to restore the original event instance.
Returns the original instance of the previously serialized event.
A JSON string representing the event, previously created with the DomainEvent.serialize() method.
let event = new DomainEvent('');
let serializedEvent = event.serialize(); // --> event JSON
let deserializedEvent = DomainEvent.deserialize(serializedEvent) // --> event
A EventBus instance lets you register handlers for an event and dispatch events to the registered handlers. Create a new EventBus with its constructor:
let eventBus = new EventBus();
Pass a event handler to the register method to register actions to be executed any time a Event is dispatched.
The registered handler could be either:
- a plain function accepting the dispatched event as the only argument
- a object instance with a handle method, which accepts the dispatched event as the only argument
let handler = (aDispatchedEvent) => { ... };
let anotherHander = { handle: (aDispatchedEvent) => { ... } };
The handler could be registered to a specific event (providing the event name) or to any event (ommitting the aEventName parameter):
eventBus.register(aEventHandler); // Every dispatched event will be dispatched to the handler
eventBus.register(aEventHandler, ''); // Only events with name '' will be dispatched to the handler
A string which is the name of the handled event. Omit the parameter to register the handler to any event (ex. for logging or persisting the events in a database).
Pass a DomainEvent to the dispatch method to execute the registered handler asyncronously.
A DomainEvent instance.
Returns a Singleton EventBus instance. The first call actually creates a new EventBus instance while any further call will return the same object. Useful if you don't want to (or can't) inject the eventBus instance wherever it is needed.
// File1.js
let eventBus = EventBus.getInstance(); // --> new EventBus();
// File2.js
let eventBus = EventBus.getInstance(); // --> the same event bus instance created in File1.js;
eventBus.dispatch(aEvent); // The handler registered in File1.js will be called
Every handler will be invoked asyncronously and will be provided the original DomainEvent object, which is immutable. For example, mutating the payload in a Handler will not affect the original event and those modifications won't be provided to the next registered Handler.
let event = new DomainEvent('name', { a: 12 });
let aHandler = function(aDispatchedEvent) {
let eventPayload = aDispatchedEvent.payload();
eventPayload.a = 23;
let anotherHandler = function(aDispatchedEvent) {
eventBus.register(aHandler, 'name');
eventBus.register(anotherHandler, 'name');
// First handler
// --> { a: 12 }
// --> { a: 23 }
// Second handler
// --> { a: 12 }
The DomainEvent Class could be extended to easily create new events with the same event name, or the same fixed payload. Here is an example of a new DomainEvent Class with a fixed event name:
// === UserCreatedEvent.js
const DomainEvent = require('domain-events').DomainEvent;
const EVENT_NAME = 'user.created';
class UserCreatedEvent extends DomainEvent {
static eventName() {
return EVENT_NAME;
constructor(aEventPayload) {
super(EVENT_NAME, aEventPayload);
// === SomewhereElse.js
const UserCreatedEvent = require('./UserCreatedEvent');
// ... some code ...
let userCreatedEvent = new UserCreatedEvent({ id: 127 }); // No need to pass event name to the DomainEvent constructor
// === SomewhereElseAgain.js
const UserCreatedEvent = require('./UserCreatedEvent');
// ... some code ...
() => { ... },