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Step 3 Tres

Daniel J. Summers edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Tres - Step 3

We'll start out, as we did with Dos, with adding the RethinkDB dependency to project.json's dependencies section:

"RethinkDb.Driver": "2.3.15"

dotnet restore installs it as usual.

Configurable Connection

Since Tres is more-or-less a C#-to-F# conversion from Dos, we'll use the same data-config.json file, in the root of the project:

  "Hostname": "my-rethinkdb-server",
  "Database": "O2F3"

We'll also add it to project.json, just below the list of files to compile:

"copyToOutput": {
  "include": "data-config.json"

Now, we'll create a file Data.fs to hold what we had in the Data directory in the prior two solutions. It should be added to the build order after Entities.fs and before HomeModule.fs. We'll start this file off with our DataConfig implementation:

namespace Tres

open Newtonsoft.Json
open RethinkDb.Driver
open RethinkDb.Driver.Ast
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net

type DataConfig =
  { Hostname : string
    Port : int
    AuthKey : string
    Timeout : int
    Database : string
  member this.CreateConnection () : IConnection =
    let bldr =
      seq<Connection.Builder -> Connection.Builder> {
        yield fun builder -> match this.Hostname with null -> builder | host -> builder.Hostname host
        yield fun builder -> match this.Port with 0 -> builder | port -> builder.Port port
        yield fun builder -> match this.AuthKey with null -> builder | key -> builder.AuthKey key
        yield fun builder -> match this.Database with null -> builder | db -> builder.Db db
        yield fun builder -> match this.Timeout with 0 -> builder | timeout -> builder.Timeout timeout
      |> Seq.fold (fun builder block -> block builder) (RethinkDB.R.Connection())
    upcast bldr.Connect()
  static member FromJson json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataConfig> json

This should be familiar at this point; we're using a record type instead of a class, and the CreateConnection function utilizes the sequence style from Dos, just inlined as a computation expression (more on those in a bit). We also see Seq.fold, which takes the parameters in pretty much the opposite order of LINQ's Aggregate; instead of [collection].Aggregate([initial-state], [folder-func]), it's Seq.fold [folder-func] [initial-state] [collection] (which we're piping in with the |> operator).

The upcast is new. Notice that CreateConnection is typed as IConnection; what's returned from the connection builder is a Connection. In most cases, F# requires an implementation to be explicitly cast to the interface it is claiming to implement. In our case, we want IConnection (vs. IDisposable, which it also implements). There are two ways to do this; if the type can be inferred, as it can be here (because we've explicitly said what our return type should be), you can use upcast. Alternately, the last line of that function could read (bldr.Connect()) :> IConnection. (I tend to prefer upcast when possible.)

At this point, we need to take a detour through the land of asynchronous processing. Uno and Dos both used async/await to perform the RethinkDB calls, utilizing the Task-based async introduced in .NET 4.5. F#'s approach to asynchrony is different, but there are a few functions that provide the interoperability we need. F# also uses an async computation expression to construct these. The most important difference, for our purposes here, is that F# Async instances are not automatically started the way a Task is in the C# world.

And, a quick detour from the detour - I promised there would be more on computation expressions. These are expressions that utilize an expression builder to declaratively create workflows within code. They typically operate in a specialized context; we've seen seq, we're about to see async, but there are many other uses as well. Within a computation expression, let and do have their same familiar behavior, and return returns a value; however, let!, do!, and return! call into the builder to manipulate the specialized context. A complete education in computation expressions is outside of our scope; F# for Fun and Profit has an excellent series on them.

Before we see our first async computation expression, though, we need to make it be able to handle Tasks as well as F# async. The code for Extensions.fs is below. I won't delve too far into it at this point, but trust that what it does is let us say let! x = someTask and it works just like it was F# async.

module Tres.Extensions

open System.Threading.Tasks

// H/T: Suave
type AsyncBuilder with
  /// An extension method that overloads the standard 'Bind' of the 'async' builder. The new overload awaits on
  /// a standard .NET task
  member x.Bind(t : Task<'T>, f:'T -> Async<'R>) : Async<'R> = async.Bind (Async.AwaitTask t, f)

  /// An extension method that overloads the standard 'Bind' of the 'async' builder. The new overload awaits on
  /// a standard .NET task which does not commpute a value
  member x.Bind(t : Task, f : unit -> Async<'R>) : Async<'R> = async.Bind (Async.AwaitTask t, f)
  member x.ReturnFrom(t : Task<'T>) : Async<'T> = Async.AwaitTask t

Add Extensions.fs to the build order at the top. With those in place, we are now ready to return to Data.fs and our startup code. Before we move on, review the startup code from Dos; it has a main driver method at the top, with several methods below to perform each step. Our F# code structure will be somewhat inverted from this; as you generally cannot call forward into a source file, the "driver" code will be the last code in the function, and the other code above it.

The Table.cs static class with constants is brought over as a module (below the data configuration code). The RequireQualifiedAccess attribute means that Table cannot be opened; this prevents us from possibly providing an unintended version of the identifier Post (for example).

module Table =
  let Category = "Category"
  let Comment = "Comment"
  let Page = "Page"
  let Post = "Post"
  let User = "User"
  let WebLog = "WebLog"

Extensions are defined differently in F#. Whereas C# uses a static class and methods where the first parameter has this before it, F# uses a module for the definitions (usually AutoOpened, so they're visible when the enclosing namespace is opened), and a type declaration. Here's the top of ours (below the table module):

module DataExtensions =
  type IConnection with
    member this.EstablishEnvironment database =

Rather than go through the entire file, let's just look at a representative example. Here is the code to check for table existence in C#:

private static async Task CheckTables(this IConnection conn)
    var existing = await R.TableList().RunResultAsync<List<string>>(conn);
    var tables = new List<string>
        Table.Category, Table.Comment, Table.Page, Table.Post, Table.User, Table.WebLog
    foreach (var table in tables)
        if (!existing.Contains(table)) { await R.TableCreate(table).RunResultAsync(conn); }

Now, here's what it looks like in F#:

let checkTables () =
  async {
    let! existing = r.TableList().RunResultAsync<string list> this
    [ Table.Category; Table.Comment; Table.Page; Table.Post; Table.User; Table.WebLog ]
    |> List.filter (fun tbl -> not (existing |> List.contains tbl))
    |> (fun tbl -> async { do! r.TableCreate(tbl).RunResultAsync this })
    |> List.iter Async.RunSynchronously

The more interesting differences:

  • In C#, existing is awaited; in F#, we use let! within the async computation expression to accomplish the same thing.
  • In C#, we defined a List<string> that we filled with our table names; in F#, we inlined a string list.
  • In C#, we have a nice imperative loop that iterates over each table, checks to see whether it is in the list of tables from the server, and creates it if it is not. In F#, we declare that the list should be filtered to only names not occurring in the list (List.filter); then that each of those names should be turned into an Async that will create the table when it's run (; then, that the list should be iterated, passing each item into Async.RunSynchronously (List.iter).
  • In C#, the return type of the method is Task; in F#, the type of checkTables is Async<unit>.
  • When the C# CheckTables method call returns, the work has already been done. When the F# checkTables function returns, it returns an async workflow that is ready to be started.

The last 5 lines of the EstablishEnvironment extension method look like this:

async {
  do! checkDatabase database
  do! checkTables ()
  do! checkIndexes ()

There are a few interesting observations here as well:

  • do! is the equivalent of let!, except that we don't care about the result.
  • As we saw above, checkTables returns an async workflow; yet, we're do!ing it in yet another async workflow; this is perfectly acceptable. If you've ever added async/await to a C# application, usually at a lower layer, and noticed how async and await bubble up to the top layer - that's a similar concept to what we have here.
  • EstablishEnvironment's return type is Async<unit>. It still hasn't run anything at this point; it has merely assembled an asynchronous workflow that will do all of our environment checks once it is run.

Dependency Injection

We'll do the same thing we did for Dos - override DefaultNancyBootstrapper and register our connection there. We'll do all of this in App.fs. The first part, above the definition for type Startup():

type TresBootstrapper() =
  inherit DefaultNancyBootstrapper()
  override this.ConfigureApplicationContainer container =
    base.ConfigureApplicationContainer container
    let cfg = DataConfig.FromJson (File.ReadAllText "data-config.json")
    let conn = cfg.CreateConnection ()
    conn.EstablishEnvironment cfg.Database |> Async.RunSynchronously
    container.Register<IConnection> conn |> ignore

Ah ha! There's where we finally run our async workflow! Now, again, we need to modify Startup (just below where we put this code) to use this new bootstrapper.

  member this.Configure (app : IApplicationBuilder) =
    app.UseOwin (fun x -> x.UseNancy (fun opt -> opt.Bootstrapper <- new TresBootstrapper()) |> ignore) |> ignore

At this point, once dotnet run displays the "listening on port 5000" message, we should be able to look at RethinkDB's O2F3 database, tables, and indexes, just as we could for Uno and Dos.

Back to Step 3

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