This is a project requirement for Udacity's front end nanodegree program.
My goals for this course is to learn the following
- Use webpack to manage the front end and back end code and enable faster testing
- Gain more experience directly developing and styling a webpage with display:grid and display:flex.
- Gain some experience using test frameworks in javascript (jest)
- Review some concepts that I've learned while hacking my own side projects.
- Remove trip functionality when a trip is showing
- Adding multi day forecast (day 7-14) when trip is not within the next 7 days
To run in dev mode, input in command line:
npm run buil-dev
To build a distribution file, input in command line:
npm run buil-prod
To serve the distribution file, input in command line:
npm run start
To check on the tests, input in command line:
npm run test
Check out package.json in the root directory for more details. To download all dependencies, run
npm install
at the root directory of this project.