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AirQo mobile app

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  • Flutter. Make sure all checks pass when you run flutter doctor
  • Android Sdk Tools
  • An emulator or phyiscal device. This app isn't configured to run in the browser.


Add the configuration files

File Directory
google-services.json app directory under android folder (android/app/)
google-services.json app/src/airqodev directory under android folder (android/app/)(For the staging environment)
firebase_app_id_file.json Android folder (android/) Android folder (android/) Android folder (android/) App root directory (this directory) App root directory (this directory). Create an empty file named
airqo-dev-keystore.jks Place it in any secure directory on your computer
GoogleService-Info.plist airqo directory ios/config folder (ios/config/)
GoogleService-Info.plist airqodev directory under ios/config folder (ios/config/)(For the staging environment)

Update variables in configuration files

  • Change sdk.dir and flutter.sdk to point to the correct paths for your android Sdk anf flutter respectively

    • Path for flutter.sdk can be gotten from running flutter doctor -v.
      For example flutter.sdk=/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/flutter/2.5.1/flutter

      Project structure
  • Change storeFile variable in file to point to where you put airqo-dev-keystore.jks. For example if airqo-dev-keystore.jks is located under /Users/example/ then storeFile=/Users/example/airqo-dev-keystore.jks

For Contributors:

  • It's important to first read our guidelines here.
  • Thereafter, proceed to create your own necessary configuration files. These include;
    • Add an .env file, which contain credentials in key-value format for services used by the app. For development, save the file as while for production, save it as
      • Here's what your .env file would look like;
        AIRQO_API_TOKEN = Get this token by following the respective links below.
        SEARCH_API_KEY = 
        SENTRY_DSN =
      • Get the following keys by following documentation from the respective sources;
      • Use the corresponding database collection names for the collection variables.
        • You can create a collection using the following guide.
      • We restricted the search API to only call 3 other APIs, the Geocoding API, GeoLocation API, and the Places API. It should therefore have access to those above APIs. You can then get the api key from the GCP credentials page.

Complete Setup

Your project structure should be similar the the following after adding all the required configuration files.

  • Android folder

    Project structure

  • iOS folder

    Project structure

  • Root folder

    Project structure

Android signing certificates

Run the command below to get your SHA-1 signing-certificate fingerprint. Share the Key with an AirQo team member to add it to the application restricted fingerprints.

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Running the application

To simply run the app, Use the following:

flutter run

To run the staging environment, Use the following:

Staging in debug mode.

flutter run --flavor airqodev -t lib/main_dev.dart

Staging in release mode.

flutter run --flavor airqodev -t lib/main_dev.dart --release

To run the Production environment, You can use the following:

Production in debug mode.

flutter run --flavor airqo -t lib/main.dart

Production in release mode.

flutter run --flavor airqo -t lib/main.dart --release

Running the application in Github Actions - Firebase App Distribution(CI/CD)

  • Fastlane is triggered to update FirebaseApp app distribution every time a PR is merged
  • To modify the workflow, open the .github/workflows folder, and navigate to deploy-mobile-android-to-firebase-app-distribuion.yml
  • The uploaded artifact can also be downloaded from the summary of the workflow as a zip folder and tested.
  • After making changes locally, specify what feature you wish to be tested in mobile/android/release-notes.txt and open a pull request
  • To create a final build that can be used for production, increment the version number in pubspec.yaml file

Useful commands

Code formatting and analysis

flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
dart fix --dry-run
dart fix --apply
dart format lib/
flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics analyze lib --reporter=html
flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics check-unused-files lib
flutter pub run dart_code_metrics:metrics check-unused-code lib

Building for release

flutter build appbundle --build-name 1.0.0 --build-number 20025 --flavor airqo
flutter build ipa --build-name 1.0.0 --build-number 1 --flavor airqo
flutter build appbundle --obfuscate --split-debug-info=${PWD}/obfuscate
flutter build ipa --obfuscate --split-debug-info=${PWD}/obfuscate
flutter build appbundle [--analyze-size]
flutter build ipa [--analyze-size]

Security Guidelines

We strive to follow an established industry standard for mobile application security from the OWASP (the Open Web Application Security Project), The OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) provides a set of baseline security criteria for developers. For a detailed security guide. Check out the MASVS Level 1 requirements.