This program is a specialised FTP synchronisation program. It's intended use is to download files from a specified FTP server location whenever new files are found at the remote location (whilst not re-downloading a file if it has been moved/deleted from the local location and still at remote location). More specifically, this has been designed to download files from a seedbox for SickRage to process.
Author: Daniel Samet
To Do: -Add data validation -Add RegEx filter interface for allowed/blocked files -Make Tutorial -Add concurrent downloads settings -Add speedlimit settings -Find out how to securely save passwords when hashing is not possible -Add interface for data purging
Interface: -Add/Edit/Delete FTP server settings -Add remote locations to watch -Add local location to download to -Add temp folder for downloads (so files aren't processed whilst not fully downloaded) -SET number of files to remember for not re-downloading files if not present in local folder / date for purging !!! Needs attention -SET default actions for file exist
Notes: -'.!sync' is appended to every file until end of download session at which point all downloaded files will be iterated through to remove '.!sync'