TriviaServer is a client-server project game
It is a server-side application whose function is to initialize the database (questions and players) from json files, transforming them into an "AVL Tree" data structure. On the other hand, it is also responsible for managing the instances that are created through sockets, responding to requests from clients through messages in json format and updating the database.
For the proper functioning of the application it is recommended the next prerequisites.
- Java SE 17 or older.
- Set the scale of the screen resolution to 100%.
First run the server application, then the Runner inside the run package of the server application
- JDK 17 - Programming Language
- Gson 2.10 - JSON API
- Eclipse IDE - Integrated Development Environment
- @danieltorrez29 - Computer and systems engineering.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details