A simple and trivial to reproduce HomeGW for cheap 433Mhz based weather stations and sensors.
The objective of this library is to decode information coming from weather station units which can be found online very cheap.
Furthermore, this library and the example code hass_serial can be used with Home Assistant through the use of a custom component
- Arduino (any kind of Arduino will do, including esp8266)
- RF 433Mhz Receiver (I recommend a superheterodyne)
- Breadboard + wires (optianaly a perfboard and soldering iron)
- Antenna (17,4 cm of straigh wire)
Decodes the "Prologue Temperature Sensor" protocol.
Works with a unbranded weather station sold on ebay.
Decodes the "Nexus Temperature & Humidity Sensor" protocol.
Works with Digoo DG-R8H 433MHz Wireless Digital Hygrometer Thermometer Weather Station Outdoor Sensor. You can find it online in several stores.
This plugin should work with a broad number of OOK based devices such as power plugs and remotes
Chinese Weather Station Outdoor Sensor. Supports all station within FANJU brand, ex. PT-3378, FJ3378, FJ3391, FJ3389, FJV4
This example prints a dump of the raw packet it receives/identifies for each plugin.
This example demonstrates how to reduce the code..
This example outputs a JSON object for each packet it decodes.
The example can easily be integrated in a Home Assistant install using the following configuration:
- platform: serial
serial_port: /dev/ttyUSB0
baudrate: 115200
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Temperature"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.serial_sensor', 'dev' ,'weather') %}
{{ states.sensor.serial_sensor.attributes.in_temp }}
{% else %}
{{ states.sensor.weatherstation_temperature.state }}
{% endif %}
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
or through the use of a custom component