Starter kit (seed) for MEAN stack applications - MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, NodeJS with Gulp
- AngularJS
- AngularJS UI Router
- John Papa's Angular styleguide
- Bootstrap
- angular-translate (i18n)
- Preconfigure i18n translations, with loading locale from the browser language.
- And more... See bower_components file.
- Express
- node-config
- Mongoose
- CRUD exemple
- And more... See package.json file.
- Gulp 4 include various gulp plugins
- Browsersync with livereload for client
- Nodemon with livereload for server
- Lint code with eslint (help enforce a uniform coding style)
- Cache control with gulp-rev
- Run mocha tests with code coverage
- Application distribution build (dist folder)
- travis.yml
- And more... See gulpfile.js and gulp-tasks folder
- DockerFile with node 4 official image
- docker-compose.yml version 2 with official MongoDb and Nginx images
- Nginx configuration with caching
Coming soon:
- e2e tests with protractor
- ...
- $httpProvider.useApplyAsync(true)
- $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false)
- Avoid FOUC - Flash of untranslated content with angular-translate by adding translate-cloak directive. See commit.
- MongoDB - Download and Install MongoDB - If you plan on scaffolding your project with mongoose, you'll need mongoDB to be installed and have the
process running.
- Install:
npm install
andbower install
- Run:
npm start
or if you have Gulp 4 on your environnement, just run:gulp
- Run tests:
npm test
or if you have Gulp 4 on your environnement, just run:gulp test
- Build dist:
npm dist
When submitting a PR, make sure that the commit messages match the AngularJS conventions.