This is a FLIR monochrome cam friendly version of campy by Kyle Severson (
- This package builds off the fixes suggested in issue #12 (ksseverson57#12) and adds more functionality for FLIR cameras and for chunking files post recording.
supports FLIR monochrome cameras
Allows users to set frame rate directly in the config
Allows users to set gamma levels directly in the config
(TO-DO: Fix issues with max width/heights and allow parameters for ROI cropping in the config).
Allows users to chunk files using the script. In this script the command line argument has been changes from # of frames to # of seconds. The first camera has also been set to Camera0 instead of Camera1.
# example usage of new chunkFiles. Chunking a 24h recording into 1h chunks:
# first navigate to the directory where your videos are located (but above the Camera0, Camera1, directories).
# for me this directory was since I made my own directory where campy-aquire puts videos:
cd .\campy_videos\chunk-tests\
# list the directory to make sure that you have the Camera# directories in this directory.
# Then I call the chunkFiles script with a direct path, give the number of cameras, the chunk length in seconds (1h), and the file name.
python 'C:\Users\nalamlab\campy\campy\utils\' 1 3600 24h_test_1_1hrchunklength.mp4
- Python package for acquiring and compressing video from multiple cameras
- Basler and/or FLIR machine vision camera(s)
- Windows, IOS, or Linux system
- (Optional) Server/workstation class CPUs with >=4 memory channels (e.g., AMD Threadripper 3995WX, Intel i9-10900X) can increase bandwidth over consumer CPUs with 2 memory channels (more cameras, higher resolution/frame rate)
- (Optional) USB expansion card with 1 host controller per camera (e.g., Basler USB 3.0, 4X PCIe, 4X HC, 4 Ports PN# 2000036233)
- (Optional) Hardware encoder using AMD, Intel, or Nvidia GPU (see
- (Optional) Arduino/Teensy/Pi microcontroller for syncing cameras and other devices
- Update graphics drivers
- Create and activate a new Python 3.7 Anaconda environment:
conda create -n campy python=3.7 imageio-ffmpeg matplotlib ffmpeg==4.2.2 -c conda-forge
conda activate campy
pip install -U setuptools
- Install camera software
If using Basler cameras, install Pylon software:
- Install Basler Pylon with Developer options
- Install pypylon: Windows:
pip install pypylon
conda install swig git clone python ./pypylon/ install
If using FLIR cameras:
- Download and install Spinnaker SDK and SpinView software from FLIR's website:
- Manually install binary wheel for PySpin (included in the Spinnaker download) E.g. for Python 3.7 on Windows amd64 system, install "spinnaker_python-"
pip3 install <wheel>
- Clone or download campy to local folder:
git clone
- Finally, install campy and its dependencies (see by navigating to campy folder:
pip install -e .
- For Basler cameras, use the Pylon Viewer to configure and save your '.pfs' camera settings file. Examples are included in campy/configs.
- Edit the config.yaml file to fit your system and recording configuration.
- Several example config files are located in campy/configs.
- For help setting config parameters:
campy-acquire --help
Campy's trigger module supports Arduino and Teensy microcontrollers:
- Download Arduino IDE ( If using Teensy, install Teensyduino (
- Connect your microcontroller and note its port number (e.g. "COM3" on Windows or "/dev/ttyACM0" on Linux).
- In your config.yaml, configure:
startArduino: True
digitalPins: [<pin IDs>] # e.g. [0,1,2]
serialPort: "<port>" # e.g. "COM3" or "/dev/ttyACM0"
- Open and upload "trigger.ino" file (in campy/trigger folder) to your board. Make sure serial monitor is closed while using pyserial connection.
- Campy will synchronously trigger the cameras once acquisition has initialized.
campy-acquire ./configs/campy_config.yaml
- Campy can be configured to stop automatically after set recording time (e.g. 1 hour):
recTimeInSeconds: 3600
- To manually end, press Ctrl^C. Wait until campy exits!
- Three files, "frametimes.mat", "frametimes.npy", and "metadata.csv", will be saved along with the video file in each camera folder containing timestamps, frame numbers, and other recording metadata.
- To debug broken ffmpeg pipe error, include this in config.yaml:
ffmpegLogLevel: "warning"
- Use the command "ffmpeg" to check enabled packages. Hardware encoder support must be enabled in your ffmpeg binary.
- Windows ffmpeg binary installed by Anaconda should have hardware encoder support enabled by default.
- On Linux, you may need to compile your own ffmpeg binary to enable encoders:
- Nvidia:
git clone
cd nv-codec-headers && sudo make install && cd ..
- Intel:
sudo apt-get install libva-dev libmfx-dev libx264-dev libx265-dev libnuma-dev
- AMD:
git clone
sudo cp -r ./AMF/amf/public/include/core /usr/include/AMF
sudo cp -r ./AMF/amf/public/include/components /usr/include/AMF
- Compile ffmpeg:
git clone
cd ffmpeg
sudo ./configure \
--enable-cuda --enable-cuvid --enable-nvdec --enable-nvenc --enable-nonfree \
--extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/cuda/include --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 \
--enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libmfx \
sudo make -j -s
sudo cp -r ./ffmpeg /usr/bin
- Include in config.yaml:
ffmpegPath: "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"
Written by Kyle Severson with contributions from Diego Aldarondo and Iris Odstrcil (2019-2021).
Special thanks to Tim Dunn, David Hildebrand, Vincent Prevosto, Manuel Levy, and Paul Thompson for helpful comments.
MIT License