A Maven/Spring-Boot/Spring-Integration service for executing dynamically determined processing stage paths.
This image describes the control flow through the core router/transformer at the heart of this application. It does not describe the configuration of SQS or the server in which the application is hosted.
The project comes with a pure java configuration for both core and test. Both configurations work, the core configuration is a prerequisite for the test configuration.
Some meta-parameters needed at compile time are set in the file Constants.java, these includes header values, channel names, timeout values, and that sort of thing. src/main/resources/application.yml and src/test/resources/application.yml contain additional parameters necessary to initialize SQS connection(s). src/main/resources/log4j.xml and src/test/resources/log4j.xml are configuration files for logging in both applications. All debug messages are printed through logging so all the prints can be controlled from these configuration files.
Spring-boot takes care of launching the route/transform code as a server, and of launching scheduled (either periodically or event-driven) tasks to look at SQS queues that are specified in the yaml
configurations described above. The route/transform service is intended to be accessed through a RouteAndProcessService
service bean.
Use-case examples for the full system flow (starting from pushing a message onto an inbound SQS queue) can be found in the file com/calamp/connect/messageprocessor/BaseTestSuite.java.
Examples using the core dynamic path execution service can be found in com/calamp/connect/messageprocessor/domain/services/ScheduledTasks.java.
Here is an example of fetching the core RouteAndProcessServiceBean
RouteAndProcessService service = context.getBean(serviceName, RouteAndProcessService.class);
It can also be autowired assuming that the class this code is in is marked @Component
or @Service
RouteAndProcessService service;
Here is an example (from com/calamp/connect/messageprocessor/domain/services/ScheduledTasks.java) of using the core service to asynchronously launch a dynamic execution path program:
Future<ProcessingWrapper<E>> ret = service.processMessage(payload);
This will execute the asynchronous process of enact
ing the stages (with dynamic path changes).
To retrieve the reply (and synchronize):
ProcessingWrapper<E> = ret.get()
In the previous example payload
is of type com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.model.ProcessingWrapper.java
A user will wrap the inbound deserialized object (retrieved from SQS and then deserialized) in a ProcessingWrapper
object using the method below from com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.Util
public static <E> ProcessingWrapper<E> wrapData(E dataPayload, List<String> initialPathPlan) {
UUID siId = UUID.randomUUID();
ProcessingWrapper<E> payload = new ProcessingWrapper<E>(siId, dataPayload, initialPathPlan);
return payload;
Object deserialization is done thus (from com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.services.ScheduledTasks
E reconstructed = this.sds.stringToObject(message);
Where sds
is an autowired com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.services.SerializeDeserializeService
@Autowired(required = true)
SerializeDeserializeService sds;
The SerializeDeserializeService
can serialize and deserialize arbitrary Serialiazable
java classes so if NetworkAdapter
and MessageProcessor
the same SerializeDeserializeService
and data classes are Serializable
then the services can communicate successfully.
List<String> initialPathPlan;
Is a sequence of stage
s (as identified by unique String
identifiers) this represents the initial execution stage
plan that the inbound deserialized object will follow.
The plan is retrieved using the com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.services.PathInitializationService
List<String> initialPathPlan = pathServe.initializePath(payload);
Again assuming:
@Autowired(required = true)
PathInitializationServiceInterface pathServe;
To be able to initialize a path given an inbound object the relevent path mapping must have been registered with the PathInitializationService
as a bootstrapped execution phase,
for example from BaseTestSuite
public void setUp() throws Exception {
this.pathServe.register(StaticPathClass.class, Arrays.asList("DummyStage_C", "DummyStage_A", "DummyStage_B", "DummyStage_D", "DummyStage_E"));
this.pathServe.register(ExpandingPathClass.class, Arrays.asList("DummyStage_C", "DummyStage_A", "DummyStage_B", "DummyStage_D", "DummyStage_E", "DummyStage_F"));
this.pathServe.register(ClearFuturePathClass.class, Arrays.asList("DummyStage_C", "DummyStage_A", "DummyStage_G", "DummyStage_B", "DummyStage_D", "DummyStage_E"));
this.pathServe.register(ExceptionPathClass.class, Arrays.asList("DummyStage_B", "DummyStage_A", "DummyStage_H", "DummyStage_D"));
The PathInitializationService
registers classes to label lists that specify the initial execution path that a class of a given type should follow.
The reply wrapper returned by ProcessingWrapper<E> = ret.get()
may either be a valid reply containing relevant data, or it wraps an exception that was thrown during the processing of the request.
Replies are processed by a com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.services.ReplyProcessService
The active ReplyProcessService
is tasked with managing Future<ProcessingWrapper<E>>
returned by RouteAndProcessService
depending on application needs the
s may be lazily evaluated, eagerly evaluated or not evaluated. Two examples of ReplyProcessingService
s are com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.services.ReplyProcessService
, and com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.services.TestingReplyProcessService
. ReplyProcessService
is a no-op service; it simply logs its use and does nothing with incomming Future<ProcessingWrapper<E>>
eagerly retrieves the ProcessingWrapper<E>
an pushes it onto a BlockingQueue
to be retrieved and validated during testing.
ScheduledTasks.java is the entry point for the control flow of the program;
it implements either periodically launched execution tasks (e.g poll SQS) or listeners which launch tasks based on some environmental
conditions (e.g a message arrives at SQS). Examples in BaseTestSuite
implement an example network and injects example messages into the network
(by pushing messages into an SQS queue on which a listener from ScheduledTasks
is listening). Execution stage
s must extend
and then be initialized as @Bean
in a .java configuration file.
The reason to initialize them separately rather than declare stages as @Service
is that there may be multiple beans of the same class
but executing potentially differently configured versions of the same service.
All inbound packets to be routed through the designated Spring Integration (SI) network should be wrapped in a ProcessingWrapper
object (inside the dataPayload
The wrapped object can be reconstructed into the desired object through a serialize/deserialize implementation as described above.
The ProcessingWrapper
object also contains routing and exception information for the SI-network.
Each execution stage
required in this spring system should inherit from the abstract class Stage
and implement an enact
Each such method will perform the required transform on the ProcessingWrapper message that it receives (as needed on the internal packet data contained therein).
Each such method then returns another ProcessingWrapper
containing the outbound data from the implementing stage.
is an example implementation of such a stage.
s resulting from execution of the stage
s are handled by the exception handler in ErrorHandlerService
, it can be extended as desired.
s will still be returned as a reply to the calling service (wrapped in a ProcessingWrapper
) this is to prevent blocking on a service
request terminated due to an exception.
All messages upon completion of their path arrive at com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.service_activators.ServiceActivators
the class therein may be extended beyond the current logging function to perform other useful work needed upon path completion.
In this section I will give a high level overview of some of the details of what's going on in the core routing service.
Execution progresses as a series of Route-Transform calls. Each deserialized incoming message is wrapped in a ProcessingWrapper
and sent along its retreived initialization path (a sequence of Stage
s) each stage
is enact
ed upon the ProcessingWrapper
A ProcessingWrapper
contains a dataPayload
, a transitPath
, and a futurePath
The dataPayload
is the deserialized inbound message from NetworkAdapter
. The transitPath is a final
field that indicates the
path taken by the ProcessingWrapper
thus far. The futurePath
represents the
execution plan following the current stage
. Each stage
may reconfigure the futurePath
as desired to modify which stages will get
executed and in what order. Enacting a stage
entails two steps:
of theProcessingWrapper
is modified as desired by theenact
ing stage (the core service of thestage
is executed). -
of theProcessingWrapper
is modified to schedule any dynamically determined execution pathstage
s that during theenact
operation of the executing stage were created or discovered as needed. Or of-courseenact
may remove previously scheduledstage
s. Note that this step involves aprocessingWrapper.advance(this.getStageIdentifer());
operation; if this isn't done then an infinite loop of size 1 results. Seecom.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.stages
for some example stages, and notice that all stages perform theprocessingWrapper.advance(this.getStageIdentifer());
operation first.
The router makes a binary decision. Either processing continues or processing stops. If processing continues (futurePath.length() > 0
) then a transform operation is performed.
A transform operation will choose the correct stage to enact
next (based on the value of the label in futurePath.get(0)
The stages will register themselves automatically with the Transformers
during construction (this code is in Stage.java). Processing concludes after the last stage
s making futurePath.length() == 0
finally as the last step of this execution flow a method of the user's choice many be activated from:
by applying the annotation @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = Constants.targetChannelName)
to the concluding method. If at any stage
an exception
is encountered then the exception
is sent to
com.calamp.connect.messageprocessor.domain.services.handleErrorMessage(Message<Exception> errorMessage)
it can be acted on from there as desired.
If one wanted to change behavior based on the type of the exception then this would be the method to do it in.
execution for an inbound message will continue until either the futurePath.length() == 0
of the wrapping ProcessingWrapper
or until an Exception
is encountered.
The easiest way to understand the system is to look at the tests in BaseTestSuite
and trace the execution path from there.