Project for spinning OpenShift up on a CentOS VM using Vagrant.
You can change these parameters as desired
OC_TOOLS_START = true/false - start the cluster when creating the vagrant VM (default: true)
OC_TOOLS_VERSION = the oc tools versions to download
OC_TOOLS_VERSION_HASH = the git hash of the oc version to download
To get it up and running enter the following command:
vagrant up
Private Network only accessible from the host.
Below is the command to run to create a OpenShift cluster. If OC_START is set to true then this will automatically be run.
# create and start a new openshift cluster
oc cluster up --public-hostname='' --host-data-dir='/home/vagrant/openshift/profiles/default/data' --host-config-dir='/home/vagrant/openshift/profiles/default/config'
oc cluster down
Enter the following URL in your browser to access the OpenShift console (UI):