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Download the models from here

Access the final report in the root/ file or on (highly recommended to refer online)

All the baseline models results are already in root folder to run evaluation skip the steps to check how to run

This readme is for replicating the results primarily shown in Problem 1.1-1.3 abd Problem 2.1-2.3, Rest of the problems the models are already generated and can be accessed based on below instructions. The, have been configured to train the baseline models shown in Problem 2.1-2.3, for training the models for hyperparameters uncomment the bash commands as shown in the following bash file representation and also uncomment the appropriate model in the file for voxels:

For training problem 2 models

For Problem 2.1

#"Usage: $0 [train_baseline|train_conv|train_implicitMLP]"
./ train_baseline

For Problem 2.2

#"Usage: $0 [train_baseline|train_n_points_10000|train_n_points_25000]"
./ train_baseline

For Problem 2.2

"Usage: $0 [train_baseline|train_smooth_5]" ./ train_baseline

For Problem 2.3

#"Usage: $0 [train_baseline|train_smooth_5]"
./ train_baseline

Note for every model you train the checkpoints are saved as defaults checkpoint_vox|point|mesh.pth so if you train a hyperparameter model, then you might be overwritting the same files.

How can you locate the models along with the results?

For Problem 1

Go to the root of the directory of the box link and cd into Results_problem1/ directory

For Problem 2.1-2.5

├── Mesh Models
│   ├── Modelwithwsmooth0.5
│   │   ├── eval_mesh.png
│   │   ├── Notimportant
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── Resultswsmooth0.5
│   └── Model_withwsmooth5
│       ├── eval_mesh.png
│       ├──
│       └── Results
├── PointModels
│   ├── Model2_npoints10000
│   │   ├── eval_point.png
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── Results
│   ├── Model2_pointsbaseline
│   │   ├── eval_point.png
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── Results
│   └── Model3_npoints25000
│       ├── eval_point.png
│       ├──
│       └── Results
└── voxmodels
    ├── voxmodel_ConvLayers
    │   ├── eval_vox.png
    │   ├──
    │   └── Results
    ├── voxmodel_implicitMLPDecoder
    │   ├── eval_vox.png
    │   ├──
    │   └── Results
    └── voxmodel_LinearLayers
        ├── eval_vox.png
        └── results

The result directory is bifurcated model wise:

  • The Point cloud model has three result folders:

    • PointModels/Model2_pointsbaseline, This model is trained with 5000 points as the hyperparameter
    • PointModels/Model2_npoints10000, This model is trained with 10000 points as the hyperparameter
    • PointModels/Model2_npoints25000, This model is trained with 25000 points as the hyperparameter For running each of the models you need to shift the bash file inside the above folders to the root folder. Also, The results are inside each of this folders and the models are also saved in those folders.
  • The Voxel model has three result folders:

    • Results_Problem2.1-2.5\voxmodels\voxmodel_ConvLayers, This model is trained with ConvLayers as mentioned in the report
    • Results_Problem2.1-2.5\voxmodels\voxmodel_implicitMLPDecoder, This model is trained with implicitMLPDecoder
    • Results_Problem2.1-2.5\voxmodels\voxmodel_LinearLayers, This model is trained with Linear Layers For running each of the models you need to shift the bash file inside the above folders to the root folder. Also, The results are inside each of this folders and the models are also saved in those folders.
  • The Mesh model has two result folders:

    • Results_Problem2.1-2.5\Mesh Models\Model_withwsmooth5, This model is trained with wsmooth=5
    • Results_Problem2.1-2.5\Mesh Models\Model_withwsmooth0.5, This model is trained with wsmooth=0.5 For running each of the models you need to shift the bash file inside the above folders to the root folder. Also, The results are inside each of this folders and the models are also saved in those folders.

Note: For evaluating the hyperparameter models you would need to copy the models from the above folders to the root folder

Run command for Q1

For Voxels:

python --type 'vox' --max_iter 100000

For Meshes:

python --type 'mesh' --max_iter 100000

For Point Cloud:

python --type 'point' --max_iter 100000


For Voxels, Point Clouds and Meshes:

For point clouds with n_points 5000, 10000 or 25000, Mention n_points below

python --vis_freq 100 --load_checkpoint --type 'point' --n_points $n_points

For mesh the command remains the same

python --vis_freq 100 --load_checkpoint --type 'mesh' 

For voxel the command is changed a bit

python --vis_freq 100 --load_checkpoint --type 'vox' #--model_type 'baseline|mlp|conv' if using vox in --type


The run command for the gaussian, white and black image outputs are mentioned below:

python --type 'vox|point|mesh' #--model_type 'baseline|mlp|conv' if using vox in --type