Challenge is based on the Algo Battle (Color-It) of SFEIR.
Based on the information for the challenge that it is time limited, I choose a classic DFS ( Deep First Search) for base implementation. This guarantees a result in 2 Minutes or earlier because in the first walk of the tree branches it finds a result, even when not the best.
To optimize the following executions, I took the following optimisations
Shortest Path: each time, we arrive in coloring all in the same color, we keep the number of steps, and limit the following branches to not pass this limit.
Memorise Visited: each color table is hashed and stored with the number of steps reached to it. This limit to not repeatedly calculate same pattern, except when reached with lesser steps.
Ordered Steps: to choose the next color, I count all colors currently next to the main color, sort them, and choose preferably the color most present as starting calculated.
Border extension: for reducing the calculation amounts, specially in the later stage when the main color has extended more and more, I keep track of the border points, and calculate on the next recursive branch only from these. (Only interesting in large boards)
As the current implementation always generate the points with random color, there was no recognizable pattern in grouping points to forms, and compute the groups in global and not individual points.
There a 3 classes in: /lib/game/ai
- color_switch_ai_common.dart: A common abstract class containing the methods for validating the current table if the same color and switching the colors of the table to the next color.
- color_switch_ai_basic.dart: A simple linear implementation, choosing a color based on LEFT -> RIGHT, TOP -> DOWN. This mainly for having a reference on counting the steps (not optimized).
- color_switch_ai_deep.dart: The AI put to challenge, containing the main algorithm.
The shell executable to read and write the CSV files and executing the AI under /bin.
A Flutter UI implementation for showcase how the Algo will operate can be found under /view running on Android, IOS, WEB and Desktop (Tested Android + Web).
abstract class ColorSwitchAiCommon {
List<int> solve();
// Change point (0,0) and all points from same color on border to new switch color
List<List<int>> applySwitchToColor(List<List<int>> board, int switchToColor) {
var switchedColorBoard = <List<int>>[];
for (var l in board) {
var oldColor = switchedColorBoard[0][0];
var toChange = Queue<Point>();
toChange.add(Point(0, 0));
while (toChange.isNotEmpty) {
var point = toChange.removeFirst();
if (switchedColorBoard[point.y][point.x] == oldColor) {
switchedColorBoard[point.y][point.x] = switchToColor;
if (point.x > 0 && switchedColorBoard[point.y][point.x - 1] == oldColor) {
toChange.add(Point(point.x - 1, point.y));
if (point.y > 0 && switchedColorBoard[point.y - 1][point.x] == oldColor) {
toChange.add(Point(point.x, point.y - 1));
if (point.x < switchedColorBoard.length - 1 && switchedColorBoard[point.y][point.x + 1] == oldColor) {
toChange.add(Point(point.x + 1, point.y));
if (point.y < switchedColorBoard.length - 1 && switchedColorBoard[point.y + 1][point.x] == oldColor) {
toChange.add(Point(point.x, point.y + 1));
return switchedColorBoard;
// Check if all points have the same color than point(0,0)
bool notAllSameColor(List<List<int>> board) {
var startColor = board[0][0];
for (var row in board) {
for (var colColor in row) {
if (startColor != colColor) return true;
return false;
class ColorSwitchAiDeep extends ColorSwitchAiCommon {
var board = <List<int>>[];
// Count steps for shortest path
var shortestRoadCount = 9999999999999;
// Colors to activate for shortest path
var shortestRoad = <int>[];
// Deadline (T+2 minutes)
late DateTime endTime;
// Memorize of visited board patterns
var visited = {};
// Constructor
ColorSwitchAiDeep(this.board) {
endTime = Duration(minutes: 2));
// Start DFS Recursive instructions
List<int> solve() {
nextStep(board, <int>[], [Point(0, 0)]);
return shortestRoad;
void nextStep(List<List<int>> board, List<int> steps, List<Point> borders) {
// Early Exit, Deadline reached !!!
if ( {
// Check for visited
var hash = Object.hashAll(board);
if (visited.containsKey(hash) && visited[hash] >= steps.length) {
// Jackpot, we finalized a way, check if it is the shortest
if (!notAllSameColor(board)) {
if (steps.length < shortestRoadCount) {
shortestRoadCount = steps.length;
shortestRoad = List.of(steps);
// Prepare next recursive instruction, get colors and border points
var pathfinder = getWeightColors(board, borders);
// Switch to each color and calculate next recursive iteration
for (var color in pathfinder.sortedColors) {
var stepsPlusOne = List.of(steps);
nextStep(applySwitchToColor(board, color), stepsPlusOne, pathfinder.borders);
// Search for colors next to apply. Use last border points as offset
BorderColors getWeightColors(List<List<int>> board, List<Point> lastBorders) {
var oldColor = board[0][0];
var colors = <WeightColor>[];
var borders = <Point>[];
var visited = <Point>{};
var toCheck = Queue<Point>();
while (toCheck.isNotEmpty) {
var point = toCheck.removeFirst();
if (!visited.contains(point)) {
// Check if we are still on main color or need crossed border and have a switch color
if (board[point.y][point.x] == oldColor) {
// Still in main color
if (point.x > 0) toCheck.add(Point(point.x - 1, point.y));
if (point.y > 0) toCheck.add(Point(point.x, point.y - 1));
if (point.x < board.length - 1) toCheck.add(Point(point.x + 1, point.y));
if (point.y < board.length - 1) toCheck.add(Point(point.x, point.y + 1));
} else {
// Add border color
if (colors.contains(WeightColor(board[point.y][point.x], 0))) {
colors.firstWhere((e) => e.color == board[point.y][point.x]).inc();
} else {
colors.add(WeightColor(board[point.y][point.x], 0));
// Sort colors DESC
return BorderColors( => e.color).toList(), borders);
For best execution time, the compiled version is preferable.
Installing Flutter:
Compiling executable:
Inside the folder containing pubspec.yaml (root):
flutter pub get
dart compile exe bin/color-it.dart -o
./ ./demofiles/sample.csv ./demofiles/sample-result.csv
If you have Docker installed, and don't want to install Flutter on your station, this is an alternative.
The dockerfile contain the files for input/output
ENTRYPOINT ["bin/", "/demofiles/sample.csv", "/demofiles/sample-result.csv"]
and need to referred on execution as absolute path:
docker build -t color-it-dart .
docker run -v [[absolute path]]/demofiles:/demofiles color-it-dart
Result file in /demofiles/sample-result.csv:
[2022-10-01 17:18:17.819518] Starting import file [demofiles/sample.csv]...
[2022-10-01 17:18:17.837607] Converting import...
[2022-10-01 17:18:17.838972] Starting AI calculation, limited 2 Minutes...
[2022-10-01 17:20:17.838993] Preparing CSV Output under [demofiles/sample.csv]...
[2022-10-01 17:20:17.840975] Done. Thanks, have a nice day :-)