Ensure labeled_comprehension
's default
is 1D. (#69 )
Bump dask-sphinx-theme to 1.0.5. (#68 )
Use nout=2 in ndmeasure's label. (#67 )
Use custom kernel for extrema. (#61 )
Handle structured dtype in labeled_comprehension. (#66 )
Fixes for _unravel_index
. (#65 )
Bump dask-sphinx-theme to 1.0.4. (#64 )
Unwrap some lines. (#63 )
Use dask-sphinx-theme. (#62 )
Refactor out _unravel_index
function. (#60 )
Divide sigma
by -2
. (#59 )
Use Python 3's definition of division in Python 2. (#58 )
Force dtype of prod
in _ravel_shape_indices
. (#57 )
Drop vendored compatibility code. (#54 )
Drop vendored copy of indices and uses thereof. (#56 )
Drop duplicate utility tests from ndmorph
. (#55 )
Refactor utility module for imread. (#53 )
Reuse ndfilter
utility function in ndmorph
. (#52 )
Cleanup freq_grid_i construction in _get_freq_grid. (#51 )
Use shared Python 2/3 compatibility module. (#50 )
Consolidate Python 2/3 compatibility code. (#49 )
Refactor Python 2/3 compatibility from imread. (#48 )
Perform 2 * pi
first in _get_ang_freq_grid
. (#47 )
Ensure J
is negated first in fourier_shift
. (#46 )
Breakout common changes in fourier_gaussian. (#45 )
Use conda-forge badge. (#44 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.