Project Version 1.0.0
EZ SoundBoard is a touch pad controller built for mobile or PC use. It is intended as a stream-lined way to trigger playlists and stinger samples during live AV events.
- Unity Project written in C# using the Spotify API
- Unity Version 2019.1.8f1
- Controller to trigger playlist and single samples
- Designed for use at live AV events
How to use
- Sign in to spotify from their web page on the device you want to control with.
- Open spotify on the device you want the audio to play from (the controller/playback device can be the same device or 2 seperate devices).
- If you do not connect, keep the Spotify app open on playback device and then close and re-open the EZSoundBoard app.
- Due to hardware restrictions, the playback device must be a computer to use the fade in feature. This will not work if the Spotify app is run from mobile device.
© 2020