Multilevel_py is a library that simplifies the construction of classification hierarchies over more than two levels. The framework depends on python3 only and implements a "deep instantiation" mechanism using pythons metaprogramming facilities. In academia, the addressed topic is also discussed under the term "Multilevel (Meta-) Modelling". Since there is no corresponding framework in the python community until this point, multilevel_py was built to fill this gap.
Install and update using pip:
# Python only
pip install multilevel_py
# with graphical syntax
pip install multilevel_py[viz]
Note that for using the graphical syntax, an installation of the underlying visualisation engine graphviz is required.
The following code constructs a classification structure that spans three levels.
from multilevel_py.constraints import is_int_constraint, is_str_constraint
from multilevel_py.core import create_clabject_prop, Clabject
Breed = Clabject(name="Breed")
yearReg = create_clabject_prop(n="yearReg", t=1, f=0, i_f=True, c=[is_int_constraint])
age = create_clabject_prop(n="age", t=2, f=0, i_f=True, c=[is_int_constraint])
Breed.define_props([yearReg, age])
Collie = Breed(name="Collie", init_props={"yearReg": 1888})
lassie = Collie(name="Lassie", init_props={"age": 7}, declare_as_instance=True)
Using the viz module, the following graph can be rendered for the previous example:
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- Documentation:
- Releases: