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Scala CI

Partner Connect API Contract

Partner Onboarding Document

Partner Onboarding

Sequence Diagram

An explanation of the sequence of events when connecting Databricks and a partner can be found in

API Spec

Api Spec

API Documentation

Api Doc

System Requirements.

This project supports the following systems.

  • Linux (Tested with ubuntu-20.04)
  • macOS (Tested with BigSur 11.6.4)

Partner Connect Certification

In order to onboard as a partner in Databricks Partner Connect, we require partners to validate their API implementation using the test suites provided in this project. Before running the tests against your API, it is recommended that you run the sample tests to make sure your environment is set up correctly. Follow the below steps to validate your API implementation.

  1. Create a partner config file.
  2. Run certification tests.
  3. Test using the self-testing partner CLI/APIs.
  4. Upload artifacts.

1. Create partner config

Partners need to create a config file to specify the partner service endpoint, and other relevant details used by the tests in this repo.

  • See sample config files under partners/test
  • See the PartnerConfig definition under openapi/partner-connect-2.0.yaml
  • Create a config file under the partners/test directory and use the name of the file to run tests against it.
Partner Configuration Properties
name type required example description
api_version string yes 2.1.0 The partner api version supported by the partner. Format major.minor.patch
name string yes test partner Name of the partner
description_blurb string yes Partner Connect test partner Description text to show in the UI.
category enum yes INGEST The partner category.
base_url string yes http://localhost:8080 Base URL for the partner service
endpoints string yes {"connect_path": "/connect", "get_connectors_path": "/connectors", "test_connection_path": "/test-connection", "delete_account_path": "/delete-account", "delete_connection_path": "/delete-connection"} Partner endpoint configuration for supported apis.
sign_up_page string yes http://localhost/signup Sign up web page
privacy_policy string yes http://localhost/privacy Link to privacy policy
terms_of_service string yes http://localhost/tos Terms of service
logo_file string yes logo.png Logo file (Format: .png or .svg; Dimensions: W px * H px where W=4.4*H. The multiplier is roughly 4.4, but 4.04.5 should be acceptable as some of the partner names may be long and require more horizontal space.)
icon_file string yes icon.png Square icon file (Format: .png or .svg; Dimensions: N px* N px where N>=128)True if partner requires email field to be editable.
resources_to_provision array yes [{"resource_type": "SqlEndpoint"}] List of resources to provision
object_permissions array yes [{"permission": "Cluster", "level": "CAN_RESTART"}] Databricks object and endpoint required. See
data_permissions array yes [{"permission": "SELECT"}] User data permissions required. See
supported_clouds array yes ["azure"] Supported clouds. Allowed values are aws, azure, gcp
new_user_action enum yes auto_add Action taken by partner when a new user tries to join an existing account. See below
trial_type enum no user Enum describing the type of trials the partner supports. Partners can choose to support trial account expiration at the individual user or account level. If trial level is user, expiring one user connection should not expire another user in the same account.
test_workspace_detail object no {"hostname": "", "port": 443, "jdbc_url": "jdbc:spark://;transportMode=http;ssl=1;AuthMech=3;httpPath=/sql/1.0/endpoints/44a1419108002906;","http_path": "/sql/1.0/endpoints/44a1419108002906", "databricks_jdbc_url": "jdbc:databricks://;httpPath=/sql/1.0/endpoints/44a1419108002906;", "cluster_id": "44a1419108002906"} Optional field to specify the workspace detail tests should use when calling partners. This field need to be set for partners that require a valid JDBC/ODBC endpoint to be passed when calling the the connect api.

The new_user_action in the partner config specifies the expected behavior on how to handle connect api call with a new user. When connect api is called with a new user_id and email address that the partner have not seen before, the partner has 4 valid options.

New User Action Options
NewUserAction UserStatus RedirectValue Status code Error Reason Note
auto_add new sign_in N/A N/A Auto add new user and redirect to sign in page.
invite not_applicable contact_admin Invite user to contact admin.
not_found N/A N/A 404 account_not_found Per user partners throw 404 account_not_found.
error N/A N/A 500 general_error Unknown error preventing user to be added to the account.

2. Run certification tests

Run the certification tests against your partner connect server using the command below.

  • Setup: This step requires docker to be setup on the host machine. See Docker setup step for more detail.
  • Export credentials as environment variables
  - export BASIC_USER=<Basic Auth user to call connect api.>
  - export BASIC_PASSWORD=<Basic Auth password to call connect api.>
  - export PAT_TOKEN=<PAT Token to send in connect api payload.>
  • Run the tests: ./ partner.json where
    • partner.json (required) is the name of the partner config file created in step 1.
    • Note: Make sure the credential environment variables are properly exported.

Partner Certification test cases.

Below are the test cases that are used in the partner certification. In order to get the maximum test coverage, partners are required to implement the test hooks like delete-connection, delete-account, expire-account, test-connection, etc.

ID Category Test Case Automated? Note
P100 Create New user/workspace is able to create connection Yes PartnerConnectTest
P101 Create Existing user in Partner product is able to start a new trial and create new connection No Requires existing partner account
P200 Core Admin user is able to use the PC connection in the partner product. No Requires core integration
P201 Core For partners that write data to Databricks validate that partner product uses the destination location when writing data No Requires core integration
P300 Sign in Existing admin user is able to sign in with existing PC connection Yes PartnerConnectTest
P301 Sign in Second user in partner account is able to sign in with existing PC connection No Requires existing partner account
P302 Sign in Second user NOT in partner account is able to sign in with existing PC connection Yes NewUserTests
P400 Delete Admin is able to re-create connection after deleting existing PC connection. Yes DeleteConnectionTests
P401 Delete Admin is able to re-create connection after deleting existing PC connection and partner connection. Yes DeleteConnectionTests
P402 Delete Sign in shows correct error (connection_not_found) if the partner connection is deleted in the partner product. Yes DeleteConnectionTests
P403 Delete Admin is able to re-create connection after deleting existing PC connection and partner account (reset to new). Yes DeleteAccountTests
P404 Delete Sign in shows account error (connection_not_found) if the partner account is deleted in the partner product. Yes DeleteAccountTests
P405 Delete Calling delete-account api with non demo/test account throws 400 bad request error. Yes DeleteAccountTests
P500 Expired Clicking "no blue checkmark" tile, when the trial in the partner product is expired, leads to expected behavior No Requires existing partner account
P501 Expired Clicking blue checkmark tile, when the trial in the partner product is expired, leads to expected behavior Yes ExpiredAccountTests
P502 Expired As second user with no partner account, clicking blue checkmark tile, when the trial in the partner product is expired, leads to expected behavior Yes ExpiredAccountTests
P600 Multiple workspaces One admin user is able to create new connections in multiple workspaces. Yes MultipleWorkspaceTests
P700 Demo When a connect api is called with the demo flag, the partner redirects user to the trial flow. Yes DemoFlowTests
P800 TestConnection Test connection api returns valid result after testing a PC provisioned connection. Yes TestConnectionApiTests
P801 TestConnection Test connection api returns failing test result if the connection on the partner side is deleted. Yes TestConnectionApiTests
P900 ConnectorList Get connector list returns list of source and target datasources the partner supports Yes GetConnectorsTests

3. Self-test the integration

Using the Self-Testing Partner CLI or underlying APIs, create and manage a testing tile visible only within your workspace. This will allow you to test your integration before uploading artifacts.

4. Upload artifacts

The final step is to upload the test report and configuration files to the partner intake form. The required artifacts from the certification steps are:

  • Test report: /target/
  • Partner config: /partners/test/partner.json where partner.json is the name of configuration file created in step 1.

Build and Run sample tests

There are two options for building and running the sample tests in this project. Both options will use the sample server implementing the partner connect api.

  • Using Docker: setup is recommended for partners as it requires minimal dependency on the host machine.
  • Using maven: setup is recommended for local development as it provides faster iteration.

Using Docker

Setup Docker Environment

Run server

  • Export test credentials
  • Run ./ test.json 8080
    • Replace test.json with the partner config file.
    • Replace 8080 with the port referenced by base_url in the partner config file.

Run tests

Using maven

Setup Environment

Code gen

  • mvn compile

Format code

  • mvn spotless:apply

Check format

  • mvn spotless:check

Run tests

Export credentials as environment variable

  - export BASIC_USER=test_user
  - export BASIC_PASSWORD=passw0rd
  - export PAT_TOKEN=test_token
  • Run tests with specific partner config: mvn test -DCONFIG=interactive.json
  • Note:
    • Partner config files are located at ./partners/test

Debug Tests

  • You can run or debug the tests in the IDE without additional flags. By default, it will run tests against the test.json partner config. To specify specific config file you can pass the -DCONFIG=file_name.json in the IDE. Example below is for IntelliJ.
  • IntelliJ Run/Debug Configurations

Generate test report

  • Test reports are auto generated when running test tasks under target/test-reports

Generate license report

  • run mvn license:add-third-party
  • License will be generated at target/generated-sources/license/THIRD-PARTY.txt

Update dependencies to latest

  • run mvn versions:use-latest-releases

Generate api doc

  • run ./
  • Api doc will be generated under api-doc/


  • Changing logging level: By default the log level is set to warn. To enable request/response update logging level below:
    • Run maven commands with mvn test -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug or
    • Update config files
      • Open src/main/resources/
      • Set debug level: org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug
  • Running tests fails with [error] java.lang.RuntimeException: /packages cannot be represented as URI.
    • Resolution:
      • Install Java JDK 11(AdoptOpenJDK JDK 11)
      • export JAVA_HOME=/Path_to_JDK_HOME
  • Lots of compile error for missing imported classes. Eg. [error] import org.openapitools.client.model.{PartnerConfig, ResourceToProvision}
    • Resolution:
      • Run code gen. mvn compile



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