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Databank dependencies

anusharanganathan edited this page Apr 10, 2012 · 5 revisions

Databank is a web-based application for storing, curating and publishing data-packages, and is written using python and the pylons web framework. Its default deployment includes a message queue providing databank notifications to listener services. This message queue is handled using Redis and Supervisor to maintain the listener services. The search interface in Databank is powered by Apache SOLR.

Package name Version
python >=2.6
python-pylons >=0.9.7
python-repoze.who =2.0a4
python-repoze.who-friendlyform =1.0.8
python-rdflib =2.4.2
python-dateutil >=1.4.1-4
python-libxml2 >=2.7.8
python-libxslt1 >=1.1.26-7
python-pairtree >=0.7.1
python-recordsilo >=0.4.14
python-solrpy >=0.9.5
python-redis >=2.4.5-1
unzip >=6.0
apache2 >=2.2.20
apache2-utils >=2.2.20
libapache2-mod-wsgi >=3.3
redis-server >=2.2.11
supervisor >=3.0
openjdk-6-jre >=6b23
solr-tomcat >=1.4.1
Simple Sword Server * 2.0

* Availabale from