📚 A course brought to you by the Data Minded Academy.
These are the exercises used in the course Building solid data pipelines with
PySpark, developed by instructors at Data Minded. The exercises are meant
to be completed in the lexicographical order determined by name of their
parent folders. That is, exercises inside the folder b_foo
should be
completed before those in c_bar
, but both should come after those of
While you can clone the repo locally, we do not offer support for setting up your coding environment. Instead, we recommend you tackle the exercises using Gitpod.
⚠ IMPORTANT: Create a new branch and periodically push your work to the remote. After 30min of inactivity this environment shuts down and you will lose unsaved progress.
- Introduce good data engineering practices.
- Illustrate modular and easily testable data transformation pipelines using PySpark.
- Illustrate PySpark concepts, like lazy evaluation, caching & partitioning. Not limited to these three though.
- People working with (Py)Spark or soon to be working with it.
- Familiar with Python functions, variables and the container data types of
, andset
Lecturer first sets the foundations right for Python development and gradually builds up to PySpark data pipelines.
There is a high degree of participation expected from the students: they will need to write code themselves and reason on topics, so that they can better retain the knowledge.
Participants are recommended to be working on a branch for any changes they make, to avoid conflicts (otherwise the onus is on the participant), as the instructors may choose to release an update to the current branch.
Note: this course is not about writing the best pipelines possible. There are many ways to skin a cat, in this course we show one (or sometimes a few), which should be suitable for the level of the participants.
Glance at the file distance_metrics.py. Then, complete test_distance_metrics.py, by writing at least two useful tests, one of which should prove that the code, as it is, is wrong.
Check out dates.py and implement the pure
python function is_belgian_holiday
. verify your correct implementation by
running the test test_pure_python_function
test_labellers. you could do this from the command
line with pytest tests/test_labellers.py::test_pure_python_function
With that implemented, it's time to take a step back and think about how one
would compare data that might be distributed over different machines. Implement
comparers.py, a module containing helpful utility
functions fo testing purposes. Verify that your implementation is correct by
running the test suite at test_comparers.oy. You
will use this function in a few subsequent exercises.
Return to dates.py and
implement label_weekend
. Again, run the related test from
test_labellers.py. It might be more useful to you if
you first read the test.
Finally, implement label_holidays
from dates.
As before, run the relevant test to verify a few easy cases (keep in mind that
few tests are exhaustive: it's typically easier to prove something is wrong,
than that something is right).
If you're making great speed, try to think of an alternative implementation
to label_holidays
and discuss pros and cons.
Have a look at date_helper.py. Explain the intent of the
author. Which two key aspects to Spark's processing did the author forget? If
you can't answer this, run test_date_helper_doesnt_work_as_intended
test_laziness.py. Now write an alternative to the
function that does do what the author intended.
Using the information seen in the videos, prepare a sizeable dataset for
storage in "the clean zone" of a data lake, by implementing the clean
function of clean_flights_starter.py.
To prevent your code from having links to datasets hardcoded everywhere, create a simple catalog and a convenience function to load data by referencing this catalog. You have a template in catalog_starter.py.
Once done, revisit clean_flights_starter.py, and replace the call to load the dataset using your new catalog helpers.
Adapt the import
statements in clean_airports.py
and clean_carriers.py and execute these files with the
Python interpreter. Pay attention to where the data is being stored.
In group, discuss the improvements one could make to bingewatching.py.
Create a complete view of the flights data in which you combine the airline carriers (a dimension table), the airport names (another dimension table) and the flights tables (a facts table).
Your manager wants to know how many flights were operated by American Airlines in 2011.
How many of those flights arrived with less than (or equal to) 10 minutes of delay?
A data scientist is looking for correlations between the departure delays and the dates. In particular, he/she thinks that on Fridays there are relatively speaking more flights departing with a delay than on any other day of the week. Verify his/her claim.
Out of the 5 categories of sources for delays, which one appeared most often in 2011? In other words, in which category should we invest more time to improve? applications